I decided to write a series of posts about the bands i like, and what would be better to start with than Iron Maiden?
I don’t remember how i got to know Iron Maiden. It’s been ages, ages ago, during my first year in high school i think. That was the time when i got loads of cd’s from friends trying to enlighten my then non-existent musical world. That’s how it all started. (This story also applies to most of my top listened bands.)
Iron Maiden has always been the music, something i could listen to at any time, in any mood, and never get bored of it. It was like that when i was 13, it’s like that even now i’m 21. There are of course albums i listened more, and there are ones i listened to less, but it doesn’t make much of a difference.
If you’d ask me which is the first Iron Maiden album that comes to my mind, i’d reply Brave New World without thinking. I don’t know the reason for that… I know that i got Brave New World later than the rest of the discography, and as such i listened to it separately for a while as well (all the rest were always on an all-in shuffle), but i’d doubt that’d be enough. Could it be the t-shirt i got from a friend which had (still has, more or less) the cover of Brave New World on it? Who knows.
If you’d ask which is the Iron Maiden album i listened to the most, i’d reply Dance of Death. I still recall the countless hours i spent playing GTA: Vice City while nothing but that album was set on my custom radio—and i only listened to that. Or when i was reading the then brand new english copy of the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter 5) my sister brought home, Dance of Death was the music for that too (now that i think about it, a quite matching soundtrack).
I so remember those cold morning walks to school when only the New Frontier song was playing on a repeat-one loop for the whole time from my discman. (Yeah i had (have) one, it got replaced by the MuVo.)
It might be strange that even though i love Iron Maiden that much i’ve only been to one live performance of theirs, back at the 2008 Sziget. The reason for this is that they haven’t been to Hungary except for that and a sole live in Debrecen in the early 2000’s.
Iron Maiden has been, is, and probably will be my answer to the ever-repeating “what’s your favourite band?” question.