20km or so trek to Paju camp (about 3300m). Only 200m gain, but lots of up-the-cliff down-to-the-river all day so my watch was saying 700m climb total.

The campsite is really nice and shady. Views of the Trango group and Masherbrum are amazing. The Trangos look like how a 5-year-old would draw a mountain with crayons.

My legs aren’t happy about keeping up with the Sherpa pace all day, so tomorrow I might take it a little easier. (I’m moving with our Sherpa team as I arrived late because of the visa ordeal).

In camp I was mostly chugging down team tea and reading Rendezvous with Rama. I read a third of it in one sitting (save a tea and pee break) so I’m mildly concerned I’ll run out of entertaining stuff to read.
Elképesztőek ezek a hegyek! Ezek az éles csúcsok, pengényi gerincek. Meseszerű, de félelmetes.