I had high hopes. AC/DC is not one of my favourite bands, because most of their songs are the same, but i still know all of their old albums, and even listened to Black Ice—once, and that was more than enough. Still, as old school rock’n’rollers, i expected them to deliver a frenetic show, making me want to jump all the way to the stage and sing full power. Tremendous fail.
First, there was no show. At all. Hardly any visual effects, the lights were way too simple and/or not matching to provide any real experience, most of the projected effects were simply lame, the stage equipment, such as the intro train, the sickly disgusting Rosie doll, with the exception of the cannons for the finishing song For those about to rock (which, in my sense, should’ve come first), looked totally low quality and off. Bassist Cliff Williams and rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young were standing all the time beside the drumset, playing, only going in front to their mics when they had to for backing vocals.
Otherwise only Angus Young and Brian Johnson were moving, thus the stage felt totally empty, not to mention, it makes me feel bad how suppressed the other two (not counting the drummer) seem to be. Johnson is all right, he is in a right shape, as well as his voice, but Angus should just sit down and play like that. He always looked as if about to die any second, or both his legs broken, not to mention he is half bald – let us be honest, he’s way too old for his usual acts. Seriously, an old fart like that still doing his famous strip act? Makes me laugh. True, he still plays damn fast, but most of the stuff seems quite simple. Because of that, forcing those long, monotonous solos is just stupid, and after the second one – to put it bluntly – boring.
Also, there was hardly any communication. They just performed, and by looks they would’ve done the same if there was nobody there. On one or two occasions Angus and Johnson made the audience shout up, the way they should’ve been doing all the time, but for most of the time they were running around, repeating their (probably) usual movements. It’s funny though, that after such a long career, Johnson still can’t do anything with his left hand while holding the mic in the right. It looks as if his hand is numb or something. I’d expect different from a showman, but apparently AC/DC are not showmen anymore. They didn’t say “thank you” once, all their goodbye was the aforementioned For those about to rock (lame to finish with a song titled that, about to rock), no bowing, nothing. After the last riff, they simply walked off stage. To be honest, i was expecting one more encore song, but then the loudspeaker announced it’s finished. Wtf?!
The only good point in the concert was the music, but that alone can’t make a concert good. AC/DC has fantastic songs from their old days, and can perform them just as dynamically as well. But after an hour, the reason why i don’t have any AC/DC on my computer proves to be true: every second song (and all the solos) sound just the same. Even though there is TNT, there’s Whole lotta Rosie, there’s Highway to Hell, it’s not enough.
This concert (i’m not writing show on intention) was a huge disappointment, really. Any of the small pub-concerts in Silver Elephant were loads better, and it couldn’t even be compared to a great show like yesterday’s Haikara. It wasn’t worth the money, if not for that from now on i can say that i’ve seen AC/DC live. I wish i hadn’t, then they could’ve remained as The Rock’n’Rollers (like that, capitals) in my imagination. It sucks that it’s really only imagination by now.
Yeah, I always hated Angus Young. He’s a riff guitarist and pretty good at that, but clearly overrated on his solo works. They are usually short, not technically hard and sound the same.
Angus never cared to explore different kind of tones, he always used the same plain old tone in all his songs. Take Jimi Hendrix for example, his songs are so different yet so great.