Digital Monster X-Evolution is probably the only Digimon movie totally unrelated to any of the anime series. It has some connection to the Digimon Chronicle manga, with the x-antibody and Dorumon, but it’s a wild spinoff even from that storyline.
The main hero of the movie is that Dorumon, a purple furry dragon-like digimon. Quite cute and really desperate to protect a Tokomon entrusted to him by WarGreymon-X. The backstory goes like this: the digital world grew too big for the host computer Yggdrasil to handle, so it decided to cut it back, by deleting most of it using the X Program and saving only a few selected digimon to the new world. But there is a mysterious x-antibody that a few digimon (including Dorumon) have, which makes them immune to the X Program. Also, they look badass and are stronger than usual. But because apparently there are still too many digimon left, the Royal Knights (a few of the ones seen in Savers) are sent to dispatch of the x digimon. Who of course don’t want to be dispatched of…
The movie is done entirely in CG, which is unseen in any other digimon anime before or after X-Evolution. It looks great. The only thing not in X-Evolution that’s in all other digimon anime is humans. This exception in the digital world’s code is caught by digimon themselves. And although it wasn’t my first time seeing the movie (i would’ve sworn i wrote about it here in the blog, but either not or it’s been lost), i still shivered at Alphamon’s summoning of the Ultimate War Blade King Dragon Sword (究極戦刃王竜剣) (i wonder what he’s drawing in the air—according to japanese sources it’s a “magic circle”).
Great one. Watch it!