Apróbb probléma

Az a gond, hogy közeledik a nyár.

Ezzel az első probléma az, hogy meleg lesz van. Izzadok, állottnak tűnik a levegő, fárasztó.

Kettő, életre keltek a bogarak.

Három, kezdődik az allergia-szezon. Általában nincs ezzel problémám, de követlenül az ablakom előtt terül egy gyomos telek. Egy teleknyi gyom pedig még egy magamfajta alig-allergiást is meg tud kínozni. Rá fogok szokni, hogy csak a konyhai ablakot tartom nyitva, ami (reményeim szerint) hűvös lesz (tekintve, hogy egy sötét sikátorra néz), és onnan egész biztosan nem támadnak majd a pollenek.

Négy, másfél hónap múlva vizsgaidőszak. Bele se akarok gondolni.

Névtelen no. n+1

Az elmúlt egy-két hétben megnéztem a 2005 óta lefutott öt és egy negyed évadnyi Doctor Whot. Majd egyszer gondolom írok is róla, ha sikerül életre keltenem magam.

Más. Tegnap este takoyaki parti volt a volt kolimban, nem volt rossz, bár nem ártott volna, ha valaki ténylegesen tudja is, hogy hogy kell takoyakit csinálni. Szerencsére külföldi diákoknak ingyenes volt, úgyhogy egyrészt nem vesztettem semmit, másrészt minden külföldi természetesen megjelent egy jót kajálni. Egy japán ismerős meg nálam éjszakázott, mert nem érte már el a vonatot. Fura volt úgy fordítani, hogy valaki horkol a hátam mögött (bár ezen a fejhallgató sokat segített). Egyébként se volt problémamentes az ügy, mert nem volt videóm a C-hez, úgyhogy előbb megcsináltam a Denpát (ami eleve két óra kiesést jelent, ami idő alatt természetesen Doctor Whot néztem), aztán amikor azzal végeztünk jött a C. Ilyen hosszú éjszakám nem volt a nagy négyes óta (a C + Denpa + két Madoka legendás esetéről van szó).

Megkaptam a kottát az Ajikan dalhoz, amit majd előadunk, nem tűnik nehéznek – ami igazság szerint meglep, mert elég hírhedt az Ajikan ritmusszekciója.

Ki kéne terigetni. Ha már aludni úgyse.

Not fair

Been watching Doctor Who (from the 2005 season) for a while now and it’s disturbing how inconsistent they can be at times with the rules of time travel in a series centered around time travel.

If a human goes back in time and saves someone who died, that creates a time paradox, with strange creatures appearing, the TARDIS becoming an ordinary wooden box and so on (cf. episode 1×08 Father’s Day). But if a time lord goes back in time, and saves people whose death had a significant impact on history, then nothing happens, except for a few words changing in future newspaper articles (cf. episode 4×16 Waters of Mars). Decide if changing the past creates a time paradox or just changes the future.

Also, why is the Doctor surprised at every single alien appearing in town, claiming “this shouldn’t be happening” or something along those lines, when he’s seen the future (damn, he was remembering the articles about the Mars expedition in the aforementioned episode), he strangely doesn’t know anything about events that concern him.

Pass grade

I had difficulties with my new coffee maker, but now it’s more or less okay. They did send most of the missing parts, but even after sending them a photo of the manual, and circling the missing stuff with thick red, they managed to leave out one… Luckily my previous coffee maker had the same part, and although the size is a bit different, it works, so i won’t bother emailing them about sending me that single metal filter. I think i should’ve just lied that all the additional parts were missing, so that they’d send them all. Whatever. I figured how to make espresso with it, i tried, and although i messed up one, i managed to make a good one to wake me up. Change “telly” to “coffee” in the Toy Dolls song and you’ll understand what’s going on.

Oh you’re kidding me

They did send me parts for the coffee machine, but they missed the mark with which parts to send. I wrote it down clean and clear that it didn’t have the parts for espresso-making, yet they sent me the parts for the drip coffee maker. Great.

Emailed them again, i took a photo of the manual which lists the parts, and circled the missing ones with thick red in Gimp so that they’d surely get it. Hope they will.

But it’s funny in a way.

See, this is how it’s done

This is a good day. The sun shines bright outside, which means the rain is finally gone after days and days of pretty much non-stop showers. Actually, i don’t know if it was yesterday or wednesday, but it was raining so badly, that they issued a 大雨警報 (heavy rainfall warning, just like with tsunami and earthquake warning). Someone tweeted a park turned into a feet-deep pond.

Also, with Commie we managed to release Denpa Onna before Mazui, which is great. That alone could make my day.

Also, although yesterday evening i got my coffee maker, some parts were missing from the package, so i couldn’t make any espresso with it. I emailed the company about it like ten minutes after the package arrived, and just now they replied saying that they apologize for the inconvenience and have posted the missing parts already. Now this is how it’s to be done.

Now i should do some fansubbing, or go out photosynthesizing, because this is a good day.

Artas – Riotology

As the Angry Metal Guy points out, Riotology by Artas might not be the most original piece of music in any way, it’s still good. You won’t hear anything that In Flames or Killswitch Engage or anything close to those lines haven’t done before, but the solution to that is simple: don’t expect anything original. Mediafada, etc.


No, i’m not asking you to repeat what you just said on the phone because i don’t understand the words, but because you’re not opening your mouth when it’s a rainstorm going on outside, and i can’t hear anything of what you’re saying. Also, repeating the same phrase shouted in some creepy broken engrish is way worse than saying it again, clear, so that it may be audible at all.

Also, if i mark that i’d like the package delivered from eight to nine pm, there might be a reason for that, and i would not like you to deliver it at other times, considering that i might not be at home, or sleeping, or something ordinary like that. Or if you show up ten minutes early, then at least ring that doorbell, not just call me about that you think they mistyped the address (which by the way they did, good job).

And when i call you back fifteen minutes later (excuse me for taking a nap), which makes it barely a few minutes after eight, don’t go telling me that you’ll be delivering it tomorrow, because i happened to see that your depot is two minutes walking from my place, and though i understand it’s raining cats and dogs out there, it’s still your precious job to deliver that thing to me. And fifty minutes (remember, i marked 8-9 pm) is enough for that.

Thank you.

Deadman Wonderland manga

After feeling a bit disappointed with the first four episodes of the Deadman Wonderland anime, i decided to check whether the manga is any better. It is.

A lot, and i mean a lot darker than the anime so far, hell a lot of crazy grins and madness and blood and gore, though i’m not sure if Ganta is actually a more bearable character there or just in a manga it’s easier to ignore his whining. (I remember the Crow telling him “you still cry too much”. So true.)

And although most of the storyline is quite predictable, the main twist still remains hell of a twist. Problem is, according to what little i could find about the anime, it’ll be just 12 episodes, which is enough for like nothing of the story to be unfolded. Especially considering that 4 of those are already gone… I guess they’ll just leave out the main twist, and stop the story midway.

I’d appreciate it so much more if with manga still in production, especially slow monthly ones (cf, Ao no Exorcist, Yumekui Merry, Deadman Wonderland), they’d wait more before making it into some half-assed anime remake with a well-whatever level of story.

Esős évszak?

Csak remélem, hogy még nem, vagy ha igen, akkor gyorsan túl leszünk rajta. Az esős évszak, így május-júniusban az a része az évnek, amikor elkezdődik a szörnyű fülledtség, bár itt a tóparton még az is elviselhetőbb. Belegondolva, ez már a harmadik alkalom lesz, hogy a hónapnyi esőt itt látom Japánban…

Az jó, ha a szobában ülve hallgatom, ahogy kint dobol a… nagyjából mindenen az eső, de amikor ki kell mozdulni, nyűg. Főleg, hogy hirtelen nagyjából tíz fokot emelkedett az átlaghőmérséklet, és ötven százalékot a páratartalom. Már teljesen elszoktam tőle, hogy izzadnom kell.