Tag: code

Iced to Electron

I got really frustrated by GitKraken. I’ve been using it for years now both for work and for hobby projects without much to complain about really. Then again I’m not a heavy git user: mostly I just commit and push, only occasionally squashing or cherry picking. I don’t even remember when was the last time I needed a rebase, but it wasn’t yesterday.

However recently GitKraken started having these weird problems with my work repositories. These can get pretty big (by my standards) with tons of branches getting pushed to in parallel (and in the early days some very large blobs got checked in too). Because the branches move really quick it’s important that I can keep my own up to date by merging the head branch back.

GitOps and Kubernetes persistence

A while back I wrote about bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster. I’ve been refining the setup so that it requires as little manual kubectl‘ing as possible. I still use ArgoCD to get everything rolling, and there is one bit that kept going red: persistent volumes.

可変個! 可変個! そして手動gensym!




Paul Graham: Revenge of the nerds


After last year, I once again decided to take part in the Hacktoberfest fun. I have plenty of repositories lying around (sadly much less well maintained by yours truly than preferable). Of course this also means that I can gather the necessary contributions from updating dependencies in my own repositories, but I’d prefer to instead contribute to those dependencies.


Having played around with the managed Kubernetes offerings of various cloud players (DO, AWS, GCP), I was wondering if it was possible to do this cheap. My site doesn’t have much traffic or anything complicated really, so running it off a $5 DO droplet is reasonable. Sadly managed Kubernetes offerings won’t come out so cheap. (Sure I could leech off the starting $300 GCP credit for a year then keep hopping accounts, but…)

Then I read about k3s. The people behind Rancher made it as a lightweight (but functionally complete) Kubernetes distro. Lightweight, they say… Just how light? (Imagine a weird maniac light in my eyes here.) Could I run it on a $5 droplet?


I think many people of my profession got recommended a certain article by Medium in their weekly digest. The launch-introduction post by Garden got my attention too. I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with developing on Kubernetes, so every drop of information in that regard is much welcome.


The other day I was thinking about Rich Hickey’s keynote at last year’s Conj. He goes into how the literal maps (or hashes or hashmaps or however a language prefers to call them) are really functions too. A function in maths is a mapping between sets and that’s what maps are.

Then that makes functions we normally write are just like that too, except the mappings are more abstract and defined through code. Because the mappings are so complex and indirect, we write tests to check (automated) that the mapping we defined through code is correct.

Obviously defining the exact mappings for every possible combination of the input set(s) is not feasible (that’d be a map, the end). But if “all” is not possible then how much is? What exactly is the absolute minimum amount of test( case)s that’s useful?




ここしばらくは空いてる時間でキツネという分散型SNSを開発している。分散型SNSは一台のサーバーで完結せず、ActivityPubやOStatusといったプロトコルでいろんなサービス(Mastodon, Pleromaなど)とのサーバー間の通信も重要。


No JavaScript, please

The other day I got an email from Axosoft that the payment for my GitKraken license (yes I use GitKraken) was rejected by my credit card company. It was because the card I used there expired, but nonetheless I had to take action.

That involved going on their website and changing my payment method to a card that still worked. It involved first an overwhelmingly complex table like this.