I remember that a while ago they announced they’d make depth charges be much more effective when used together with sonars. (Well duh, I thought, sonars alone are pretty powerful anti-sub equipment.) However I missed the part of the announcement that said they’d make depth charges completely useless on their own.
Affirmations 2
While (at least partially) positive feedback is really important to (easily) maintain a positive attitude. But did you know that “affirmations” is still a hippie keyword on Wikipedia?
I might be on pretty bad terms with League in general, but the Pentakill original album Riot released a while ago is a whole different thing.
Armor design
Recently I’ve been trying to find some neat designs for powered suits, without much luck. That changed today, however, when I accidentally ran into a piece of art from the upcoming game Destiny.
In case anyone out there cared, comments are back now. The Entropy theme I picked didn’t support them by default, so I ported a barebone version of the comment section from the Twenty Fourteen theme.
A week at the fleet
I don’t know what was (is) up with KC this week. It might be just that I used all my luck in the game, especially considering stuff that happened at work.
Finding yourself
The past few days I’ve tweaked little this and that in the Entropy theme to make it more personal. After all, this is my blog and even if I couldn’t come up with a theme for myself, I should at least customize the one I got.
I think that in a working group it’s pretty natural that as a topic for idle chat, food comes up every now and then. My studio’s no different, and the other day I told my colleagues that I made goya champloo for dinner.
Bad things
I finally could go shopping for food and coffee, but since I lack physical exercise recently (happens when you work 10-12 hours a day) I decided to go grab my coffee by bicycle. That wouldn’t be an issue in itself, as it’s neither far away nor would I care even if it was, but along the way I saw something I wish I hadn’t.
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