Tag: gadget

Suunto 9 Baro first impressions

I wrote about how I was considering getting a new watch, and a while back I actually put that into action and got a Suunto 9 Baro. I wanted to try something not Garmin to have a more reliable point of view.

Getting the Suunto 9 Baro up and running wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t seamless either. I paired the device with my phone before installing the Suunto app, after which the app wasn’t able to “pair” with it. I had to unpair the smartwatch once and redo it from the app. Weird stuff.

It’s a very different beast from the Garmin Instinct. First of all, it’s much bigger, but I don’t think it’s too heavy or so big as to get in the way. It’s a full-fledged smartwatch with a touchscreen, so my first thing to do was to get a protective film so the glass doesn’t get all scratchy and/or smudgy. It also means that it can show notifications and stuff, which can get pretty noisy if there are too many. Of course it can be configured, but it has to be configured.

Maybe a new watch

I’ve been using a Garmin Instinct since I got back from Aconcagua, both for training in the gym and running or hiking outdoors. I might need to replace it sooner than later.


Ma ahogy jöttem haza ebédelni, a postaládámban várt az értesítő, hogy a futár meghozta az új fejhallgatómat (az előző, ami egy Sony MDR-XD100 volt, amit az után vettem, hogy az ugyanolyan fülesem eltört a Story of the Year pogóban, spontán kontaktos lett egy hete). Gyorsan vissza is hívtam, hogy ki tudná-e újra hozni egyig.

Egyig, mert a csütörtöki harmadik órámmal úgy vagyok, hogy ha nem lenne jelenléti ív, be se járnék, így is csak azért megyek be, hogy felírjam magam, aztán max hangerőre tekerem a zenét és olvasok vagy alszok, mert a tanárra csak ránézek, és olyan undorral keveredő dühroham tör rám, amilyet ritkán tapasztalok.

Szóval felhívtam a futárt, és tapasztalnom kellett, hogy Japánban is vannak olyan emberek, akik olyan hangerővel beszélnek a telefonba, mintha át akarnák kiabálni a távolságot. Nosztalgia.


Guess what. My scholarship came in time. Meaning yesterday i bought an iPod. It works perfectly and really does all i need. That is, plays music, fits in my pocket and scrobbles last.fm. I was quite surprised it even has a camera for recording video and a bunch of other features i haven’t even checked yet.

I opened up its box and even Ubuntu recognised it’s an iPod. The Rhythmbox iPod plugin offered to prepare it, though i have no idea what needs to be prepared, it messed up quite well. Banshee couldn’t handle it either… Anyway, i installed iTunes on the Win7 and that fixed it. Then from under linux i can use gtkpod to handle it, and works well. I’m not sure what, but i think the Rhythmbox plugin, handles the last.fm scrobbling. This means that instead of the daily 6-8 hours i listen to music on the computer, now all the rest will be scrobbled as well. I can foresee my play count boosting rapidly.

More later.