Uhuru, ami szuahéliül szabadságot jelent, a Kilimandzsáró 5985m magas főcsúcsa. Először a Shira fennsíkról láttuk meg (bár elvileg ha jó idő van, még Arushából is lehet látni), aztán miután megmásztuk a Baranco falat, végig a bal oldalunkon magasodott.
Shira to Baranco
Living in a city for most of the time it’s always surprising just how clear the sky can be and how bright the stars can be once you’re in nature. That struck me at Mti Mkubwa too, the first camp on Kilimanjaro. “Oh, so that’s why it’s called the Milky Way!”
We started the day with a dancing-singing introduction from the porters and guides. It felt like we were at leisure of time, in no rush whatsoever. We woke up “early” of course (compared to when I’d normally wake up) but only left well past eight.
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