Yesterday night there was a great party here. Until nine, we were away, but after that we stayed inside and on the balcony until… well, until some time real early. I don’t think saying “late” would be correct for 5 am. It was goood.
Don’t worry (well, not as if anyone would), i’m alive. Just my friends thought why not make a party last night. And it was not so good. Before i arrived they had already acquired five bottles of a quite low quality wine. So when i arrived i bought myself one loads better so that i wouldn’t have to poison myself with their strange thing. That was surely hopeless as mine was opened first and was swallowed in the matter of minutes. Not a big problem, but by 3 AM i was somewhat tired and wanted to go to sleep. Did so, but my funny companions decorated my clothes with the contents of a toothpaste tube. Cool, isn’t it?
Anyway, today i’ll have a driving lesson (yesterday i had one too), and finally i can drive whole lessons in traffic. Cool, for sure. Also, i’ll work and learn a lot now, at least i plan so.
Ma van a másnap
A tegnap este… na az elég brutális volt. Megtanulhatnám már, hogy én ugyan bármit meg tudok inni, viszont a Hubertus az meggyilkol. Megmagyarázni nem tudnám, de ennél sokkal brutálisabb (mattabb) bulik után sem voltam olyan másnapos, mint most, pedig “csak” két “hubi” csúszott le.
Ilyenkor az lenne a szokásos, hogy össze-vissza fogadkozik a szenvedő, hogy mennyire soha többet semmit semmi körülmények között, viszont az ilyeneket nem az én asztalom se fogadni se megtartani. Úgyhogy csak annyit mondok, hogy senki ne próbáljon meg hubival itatni, mert az arcába öntöm. És szerintem azért rohadtul tudja az csípni a szemet…
It’s really a wonder that i’m still alive. I don’t want to go into details, just say that 4 bottles of drinks better not named caused very strange temporary changes to my mind yesterday.
Anyway, i’m more or less well by now, that’s a wonder too. Been working on a layout for one of my hostees, it’s almost finished. Too bad the aftermath is still slowing me, so it took over an hour to write a very basic table based layout. Gosh.
Anyway, i still owe you a podcast for today… Lemme see… It should be this:
Title: Sörivók
Artist: Ossian
Album: Acélszív
Length: 03:02
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