手を伸ばそう いつよりも力強い勇気で!
手を伸ばそう いつよりも力強い勇気で!
I really loved Ayreon’s 01011001. It was such an overwhelming experience with great musical execution of deep topics. After songs like Connect the Dots, i guess it’s understandable that I had high expectations for The Theory of Everything.
While there are 42 songs in total on the two discs (what a smart answer that is to life, the universe and everything), the almost-two hours of progressive metal left me without any real impressions. It was there – it was playing – then it was over. Lucassen himself said that it was meant to be “less heavy and more instrumental than 01011001” and sure it is much more instrumental. My problem is that if you want to thin out the overwhelming lyrical depth that characterized Y (01011001 is the code for Y) and make it “more instrumental” then there would be a need to replace that attractive force with something on the instrumental side. That is something that the Theory of Everything fails to do.
It’s still a good prog metal album, but it is nothing compared to Y.
Az egyetemi banzájból persze a zeneklub sem maradhat ki, és ma reggel én is színpadra álltam. (Ha-ha-ha.) Nekem ez négy hónap után az első fellépésem, mert nem mentem a nyári táborba anyagi fedezet híján.
Itt jöjjön egy kis háttérsztori: nálunk úgy megy (főleg így az őszi koncertnapokon), hogy ugyan reggeltől mennek a koncertek, az első felében csak ilyen tessék-lássék “ugyan ezek senkit nem érdekelnek” kaliberű zenekarok vannak, aztán este felé már jönnek a “jobbak”. A “jobb” itt azt jelenti, hogy mondjuk a klubfőnök zúzza benne, vagy csupa 3-4-5. éves (zenei minőség stb nem számít).
Ilyen háttérben eléggé zokon vettem, hogy ugyan mi “csak” egy “gejl” nyugati punkot zúztunk (Ramones, videó fácsén), azért két negyed- és egy ötödévesből álló zenekart első nap második zenekarának berakni nem semmi pofa.
Ráadásul az ötödéves srác, aki amúgy egy elég penge gitáros és jó fej arc, betolt egy elég nagy üveg valamit a fellépés előtt (ez délelőtt tizenegy óra), úgyhogy kb az ment ritkaságszámba, ha eltalált egy akkordot. (Mondjuk engem se kellett sajnálni, pofátlanul improvizáltam, amikor nem ugrottak be dalszövegek.)
It was great. (As expected.) There were awesome bands that i’d never heard about before. On the first day I was drenched in sweat (and very grateful that i had about 2000 calories for breakfast) by the fourth artist on stage, and by the end of the day i could hardly turn my head.
You’re hilarious. Cheers!
I’m doing a presentation on friday about the reasons, effects and possible countermeasures of piracy, and of course for that i need industry data. Preferably lots of it. Numbers, charts, and from reliable, referable sources too. That of course first led me to RIAA. If you somehow manage to suppress your sudden urge to throw up reading such horribly phrased, blatant propaganda against piracy (i mean, i know that “piracy is a bad thing”, but couldn’t they at least attempt to conceal their philosophy of “if you copy a song you’re a thief and deserve to die”?), it comes to view that most statistics (except for last year US sales) are not free. This is of course to be expected, but i’d rather not pay if there was data available for free as well. Not to mention that since i live and will do my presentation in Japan, i’d prefer global data instead of US-only.
If a mountain could talk
It would tell us a story
To reign in love means
Just how to say sorry
If an ocean could cry
We would drown in its tears
Dusk breaks to dawn
Which we cannot survive
Without love
Ma egy pillanatra veszélyben éreztem a magyarságomat. Épp suliba tartottam, fülembe (éppen) valami japán előadó egy dala szólt (talán Yum! Yum! Orange), amikor beugrott egy fél szólam egy másik számból, ami épp nincs az ipodon (DECO*27 – 未来世-ből a “全部だと思うけど” rész).
De ha már úgyis ott vagyok, épp átváltottam volna arra az előadóra, amikor egy pillanatra veszélyben éreztem a magyarságomat. Megmagyarázni nem igazán tudom, leírni sem ennél bővebben, de ma már inkább csak Ossiant és Dalriadát fogok hallgatni…
I had this discussion with a fellow translator about what is and is not translatable. He said that a certain Yousei Teikoku song (Shoseijo no uta) falls in the latter category. I disagree(d).
The other day i went to Osaka for the second Opeth gig since i’m in Japan (the first was back in 2009), and it was awesome. Although back when the Heritage album came out, i wasn’t exactly happy with it, since then it grew on me, and i didn’t mind all that much that many of the songs at the show were from that album.
It was nice to have more quiet songs, songs when the people around me didn’t want to mosh (i don’t think Opeth is the kind of music you’re supposed to mosh to), but when i heard the first sounds of Face of Melinda, Heir Apparent or the Grand Conjuration, my heart skipped a beat. Ghost Reveries is still my favorite Opeth album, so i was very happy that they played at least one song off it.
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