Tag: zene





3日目はライブの日で、朝10時から午後6時までずっと演奏が続いていた。俺たちは3番目の出番で、演奏はよかったと思う。ザ・クラッシュのコピーやって(I fought the lawとWhite riot)、パンクな感じで2曲のルールがあったのに終わりとしてThe Real McKenziesのBugger offもやった。俺はボーカルだけで、めっちゃ楽しかった。



Charts 2

There are plenty of post and pass on memes out there, but i usually quietly stay out of them. But now i’ve been asked to post fifteen music albums i’ll probably always remember. Fifteen.

  • The Gathering – if_then_else
  • Gojira – From Mars to Sirius
  • Macskanadrág – Modern Szerenád
  • Pain of Salvation – Be
  • Sentenced – The Funeral Album
  • Rammstein – Reise, Reise
  • Opeth – The Roundhouse Tapes
  • The Toy Dolls – our last album?
  • Ленинград – Хлеб
  • Amorf Ördögök – Molylepke Minibár
  • Iron Maiden – Dance of Death
  • Blind Guardian – Nightfall in Middle-Earth
  • Helloween – Master of Rings
  • In Flames – Reroute to Remain
  • Dream Theater – Systematic Chaos

I guess this is fifteen. Nothing surprising, is there? And it took less than fifteen minutes to compile. Though i’m not sure i’ll agree with this my own list just tomorrow. Or an hour from now. Nevertheless.

Also, i’m not passing the game on. Do it if you want. Fifteen albums “that will stay with you forever”, in less than fifteen minutes.

Charts 1

But before i begin my eternal long chain of posts on my past three weeks, i felt like posting a last.fm milestone list here. Seeing Sesam’s is what poked me to post mine. It can’t fetch my oldest plays (before the 10000th), so these are the prime-thousand-th plays from that point. Here you go.

This with 85094 plays right now, and as far as i can tell the only song appearing twice on the 1000th-milestones chart more than once is Opeth’s Reverie/Harlequin Forest (twice). Yeah, i do love that song.

Also interesting is that back in 2008 it took a month or so to get 1000 plays, while nowadays i get that in less than a week.


These are on my mind (and my player) lately.

They wanna keep us down
But they can’t last
When we get up we’re gonna kick your ass

Van Canto – Kings of Metal (Manowar cover)

The clans are marching ‘gainst the law
Bagpipers play the tunes of war
Death or glory I will find
Rebellion on my mind

Van Canto – Rebellion (Grave Digger cover)

I left my baby and it feels so bad
Guess my race is run
She’s the best girl that I ever had

The Clash – I fought the law

van Canto

A németek tudnak valamit, na. Most délután címkézgettem a gyűjteményemet, és meg kellett keresnem, mikori a Blind Guardian stuttgarti Bard’s Song videója. És akkor találtam valamit, ami nagyon megtetszett.

Ez a valami a van Canto névre hallgató zenekar. A felállás öt vokál és egy dob, így kvázi a capella stílusban tolják – a heavy metált. Mert hogy a Bard’s Song csöndes-akusztikus hangulatát át tudják adni, az egy dolog. De két Youtube számmal odébb már az Iron Maiden Fear of the Darkját énekelték. Itt kezdtem érezni, hogy valami igazán jót találtam.

Én próbáltam gitározni a Fear of the Darkot, és a szólón kívül, lassan és darabosan még úgy-ahogy megy is. A szólóban viszont felmérni se tudom, hogy épp hol tartanak, a van Canto pedig egyszerűen elénekli. A gitárszólót. Amikor először hallottam, azt hittem, hogy gitár is van a csapatban, de nem – az egyik vokalistához oda van írva hogy ő a “wahwah guitar and solo” ének.

Igen erősen ajánlott minden kicsit is metálos vagy a capellás zenekedvelőnek meghallgatni, mert egyszerűen fantasztikus. És mint azt a Nuclear Blasttól megszokhattuk, a legjobb számaik elérhetők Youtube-on. Elég sok híres számot feldolgoztak: a Fear of the Dark mellett a Maidentől a Troopert, a Nightwish Fishmasterét Wishmasterét, meg ahogy az imént írtam, a Blind Guardian Bard’s Song (In the Forest) műremekét, valamint Manowar, Deep Purple és Grave Digger számokat plusz több Metallicát is énekelnek.

Summer Sonic 2010 (day one)

Summer Sonic is one of the best summer fests for foreigners. (Because most of the others are pretty much japanese bands only.) Although i haven’t been there last year (went home instead), this year i couldn’t help it. Especially when i saw Dream Theater and Coheed and Cambria in the lineup. Those two bands alone would worth the roughly 15000 yen entry fee.

It was held on Maishima, an island of Osaka. The train station was much farther from the location though – it took a 20 minute shuttle bus ride (thus 800 yen plus) to get there. The area of the festival was much different from what i got used to. It wasn’t closed at all – they only checked the wristbands at the entrances of the stage areas. Even there… Well i’d say a cunning person with a printer could pull it off without much problem. This is how the wristband looks (plastic). (Also, my pink spot is visible too – a drop of bbq sauce fried me there a while ago in Kyoto.)

Punks at 大津 B♭ live house

Friday afternoon there was a really nice punk rock party at the B♭ (B-flat) live house in Otsu, just about an hour by train from here. It was organised by Spike (スパイク), a local (?) punk band. Because i had an exam in the afternoon i was roughly half an hour late compared to the official start time, but actually i just arrived a few minutes before the first band would start to play.

The problem is, that except for Saboten and Spike, i had no idea who are playing at the moment. Apparently mostly everyone in the crowd knew all of them, so they didn’t see the need to introduce themselves—i only recognised Saboten because in an mc the (ex-)bassist-vocalist (he apparently has problems with his wrist so he stopped playing the bass) referred to themselves by name, and Spike because every other band said Spike’d be the last, and they were.

Most of the bands played fast and energetic punk rock. There were eight bands altogether, Saboten, Garlic boys, Shachi, Tac, Spike, the all-(cute-)girls Kurikinton (くりキントン), Lagoazul and Highmount 40. From six pm, they played straight till eleven, so by the end i was pretty tired, but it was really fun. (Also i’ve seen ads that Maximum the Hormone will be playing there in august, naturally in the few days when i’ll be at Okinawa. Just my luck.)

Emo? Not really…

Now in the evening i’m tired, and just as a baby cries and stuff when he’s sleepy, so i get very easy to get pissed off. And i’ve been listening to Nirvana all afternoon because my files were mistagged and i’ve to get back the play count on last.fm. What i concluded is really simple: emos, you’re doing it wrong.

So many of emos claim that their way of thinking is originated from Kurt Cobain and the grungy lyrics of Nirvana. It’s not. Emo kids were screwed up way before they first heard and could appreciate the greatness of Nirvana. They were mentally damaged by the constant flow of those hideous fantastic sad love songs from the radios in the ’90’s (and any other time as well, but seems Chernobil had its effects worldwide). I heard it too, but i rather had fun listening to kid tapes by the Smurfs.

Kurt Cobain and his pals in Nirvana wrote great songs. The Nevermind album only, not counting all of their other songs (even though i’d feel bad if i didn’t mention Lake of Fire in a post related to Nirvana) is worth more than the whole dozen-disc discographies of other artists. The songs might be depressing for some, not for me though, but still, cutting yourself and looking gay is not the way to express your dissatisfaction and/or sadness. When Kurt Cobain went sad panda, he wrote In Utero, but when that didn’t work, he just put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. (Disclaimer: i didn’t check what kind of weapon it was or where he was shot, nor do i consider the possibility of Courtney Love or anyone killing him now.) I do suggest that instead of showing off with your scars on your wrists try following that example. (Disclaimer: i do not encourage suicide or suicide attempts or damaging oneself, also any similarity between this post and reality is purely coincidental.)


I got all the relevant exam papers from the past two years today. I’ll check all of them, and of course learn from them. But more urgent than that, study for the thursday bookkeeping exam. I have to get good results… And although i feel like i get it, so did i feel the same before (and after) the previous exams as well, yet see the results…

Today we practiced for the tomorrow english speech exam. It’s going to be interesting. I don’t really care about my own grade, i mean, it’s obvious that Ia and me can pretty much chat till doomsday in english, but the others… I guess i understand the motivation of teachers to bear with the students. It feels great to help with whatever i can.

Also, we were talking about what bands to do in the autumn season, and it seems we’ll be doing a few. A Slipknot copy (with death masks and all) together with the other faculty’s people (me on vocals, so far) and probably a classic heavy metal and/or punk band with the local folk. Hope to get a guitar post there.

For the first one, i grabbed the last Slipknot album to get more familiar with their stuff, and it’s quite good. And straining to sing for sure, but fun as well. And i was reading about Dream Theater for some reason, when i came across the name of Rush again. So i got their 2112 album too. Nice classic rock.

And today i did the translation of the second episode of Digimon Xros Wars. Sub coming soon from OnlineDigimon.

Megjelenések nyara

Július 27, StarCraft 2. Megjegyzés, addigra kell szereznem egy új gépet, mert ez a mostani már mkv lejátszás közben is szaggat. Nem játszottam még a bétával, pedig többen is hívtak kipróbálni, inkább megvárom a végső terméket. A kellemetlen, hogy hiába jelenik meg már július végén, augusztus harmadika estig nem igazán tudok majd játszani – aznap lesznek ugyanis az utolsó vizsgáim, egy nap szám szerint három…

Július 30, Blind Guardian – At the Edge of Time. A német metálbanda rég várt új albuma. Négy éve nem sokat lehetett felőlük hallani, Magyarországon se jártak turnézni, Japánba pedig szerintem nem is tervezik (remélem tévedek). De itt az új album, nagyon látványos borítóval, és amit eddig hallani lehet belőle, jó új dalokkal.

Augusztus 16, Iron Maiden – The Final Frontier. A Dance of Death albumon egyik kedvenc számom a New Frontier – most meg nem új, hanem végső. Az El Dorado című szám letölthető ingyen, természetesen már rongyosra hallgattam, és tűkön ülve várom a megjelenés napját.

Augusztus 24, Apocalyptica – 7th Symphony. A finn csellómetál zenekar is produkál végre valami újat, már vártam. A Worlds Collide nekem nagyon bejött, és amit eddig lehet hallani a 7th Symphony-ből, az End of Me szám, magasra teszi a lécet. Bár egy héttel az új Maiden után nehéz lesz a csúcsra törnie, azért próbálom majd nem hanyagolni.