I wanted to write some french title inspired by Cirque du Soleil, but i dropped this idea since i don’t know but a few words of that linguo. Today was (and will be) great. In the morning i woke really, really early (around seven) (reasons coming later), then had a 20 mile bike ride down to my girlfriend’s love’s, and spent the day there chatting nonsense (really), watching the also nonsense but at least very funny movie Johnny English, then rode back home… It was a nice distance, but i enjoyed it much, except for a crazy hill, which made my switch gear, something i don’t really do at all. As i arrived back in town, i had a coffee at the usual place–though this time instead of an espresso they gave a cappucino (not as if i cared much)—and at home rollerballed, had a tea and a shower that i really needed. Nowadays i’m into drinking caffeine-containing stuff, such as coffee or tea, because i’m for some reason dead sleepy by late afternoon. Drinking something like that at that time though causes once again that i can’t go to sleep at the normal time, and the circle starts over again. My dad always says i should go to bed early because my mom’s always tired because she sleeps less than i do—this is why i woke early today: to be on my feet as long as she is. I think i’ll do this whenever i’ll be at home—and in the coming three weeks that won’t happen often…