2.0 Yesterday ended up totally differently. I couldn’t go to pingpong training because i had an appointment about homeworks that time. Anyway i’m not sure if there was any, as i got a mail from them saying something about a tournament yesterday (i didn’t struggle to understand it). At least this way i could go to the guitar class where i learnt a lot of new things and that’s good. Included a few more ways to pick and the first two chords (C, G7). Will have to practice till next week.

2.1 The old alarm clock, the only alarm clock i ever had, the alarm clock my sister gave me sometime i couldn’t even remember properly, has problems with its voice. Tuesday morning it fell to the floor and since then its beeping got very quiet. No other injury. I’ll look into the problem (literally) when i have time and dare to.

2.2 Disappearances occur around me. First my student id got lost, no idea how, but it did, so for a week i was entering the dorm the tricky way, until yesterday i applied for a new one. My grammar exercise book disappeared as well, so i couldn’t do homework for the past week (i felt so sorry), but i got it back today so i’ll have to write all that stuff tonight (i really am sorry about that).