Tomorrow the scholarship will come, at least it’s supposed to, saving me. I’ll start with buying a pan for making pancakes and a new pack of coffee, because i’m running out of it (again). Saturday i plan to head for Tokyo, meet up with friends during the weekend and come back sunday or monday. One thing sure: i’ll buy myself as much cheese as possible, because nowhere around here could i find cheese in normal price range and amount, and i need a lot. One block of cheese usually lasts 1-2 months, depending on how many times i have dinner, and whether i use it for cooking as well (for pasta, pizza and stuff).

Other than that, going to Tokyo, i have absolutely no plans for this one and a half weeks of break. I will probably go to Osaka once, go on to Kobe, probably Nagoya as well, just to see the surroundings. I’ve already been to Kyoto twice (true, Osaka once as well), but i may go back again for more sightseeing. I really want to spend my time well. Also, with the EEM (Eastern European Method), i can travel by train quite cheap, as long as i don’t need to change lines too much.

I also hope i’ll get my credit card soon, and then… well. We’ll see.