Month: April 2011

Puberty points of Ubuntu 11.04

A whole new GUI, Unity: +1

The total unusability of said GUI: -5

GUI animations in Gnome got very choppy: -3

Firefox 4: +2

Reinstalled all the default Ubuntu apps i removed (like Evolution, Empathy) and set them as default without asking anything: -1

Reset my custom keyboard layout: -2

Aegisub 2.1.8 crashes right after launch: -4

Suffer with building Aegisub from SVN for hours: -3

Actually get it working: +2

Doesn’t recognize a working PPPoE connection: -1

Current total of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal’s puberty points: -14

Do not want.

L’Arc~en~Ciel is not visual kei

As i learnt on friday.

We had a club dinner and many of the new first-years were there too. One of them mentioned that he likes L’Arc~en~Ciel and asked me if i knew it. (Yeah, every japanese is surprised when i reveal that i actually do know a bit of the japanese music scene, even if it’s really just a bit. Of course they are first and foremost surprised by the fact that i can communicate in japanese without destroying all cultural conventions. Or at all, for that matter.) I was like, sure, i’ve heard about it, and probably heard a few songs, but i’m not really into visual kei…

I assumed that L’Arc was kind of visual kei from the fact that most of my acquaintances who like the band are into viskei bands a bit too creepy for my tastes.

The face of the first-year in question showed his thoughts. First: “did he really just say that?”, then “did he really intend to say that?”, then “how am i supposed to tell a scary gaijin senpai that he’s stupid?”. Then another guy told me, “L’Arc fans get mad when told that”…

Thus i learnt that L’Arc~en~Ciel is not visual kei. The hard way. Okay.

Madoka is over

Didn’t mention it before, but thursday i translated the last two episodes of Madoka. It’s over. You can join the Church if you want, i’ll pass on that.

If you don’t know what this is about, you missed the anime of the winter season or possibly even of the year.

Also, yfw dat end.

Real Drive

A while ago somewhere i read the anime title “Real Drive”, and it sounded interesting, so i checked it out. Let me sum it up in one word: no.

It is exactly what you can see on this picture. Fat girls and old people. Okay, there might be quite long and quite boring dialogs too, and some nice tech ideas, but other than that it’s pretty much unwatchable.

Drop after two episodes. I think this is a new record.

Is meg nem is

Félelmetes, hogy mostanában mennyire nem csinálok semmit azon kívül, hogy animéket fordítok és zenélek (ez utóbbiba persze beleértve az egyéb klubos tevékenységeket is). Az óráim többségére ugyan bejárok – kivéve azokra, amiket amúgy is végigaludnék. Úgy gondolom, hogy ha órán úgyse csinálok semmit, ami bármilyen szempontból pozitívan hatna az eredményemre, akkor jobb, ha valami értelmes dologgal töltöm azt a kilencven percet – legyen az szocializálódás a klubszobában, valamelyik tankönyv olvasása vagy éppen egy még hiányzó anime rész lefordítása a türelmetleneknek. Egy géptermi órán például végig Playing with Fire-t játszok, és csak azért járok be, mert van jelenléti ív – erre ne mondja senki, hogy hasznos.

Viszont lassan ideje lenne visszaszokni rá, hogy heti párszor eljárok kondiba meg futni, a reggeli gabonapelyhen, a délutáni kukoricasalátán és az esti szendvicseken kívül mást is eszek (bár az utóbbi időben néha beülök a menzára) és éjjel három előtt lefekszek aludni, legalább ha másnap emberi időben kéne kimászni az ágyból.

Eureka Seven

A while ago i saw a certain pic on /a/, one featuring a boy standing in front of a mecha. I liked the art style so i asked, and it turned out to be from Eureka Seven. Then during the netless days of early april, i decided to start watching it, then i just couldn’t stop. Watched the first 25 episodes in a day, then the other 25 in the matter of another few days. Then for days i was rewatching the last few episodes over and over again.


Ugyan én nem vagyok zsidó, a szombat az egyetlen olyan nap, amikor tényleg semmit nem kell csinálnom, nincsenek se óráim, se fordításaim, úgyhogy csak ülök és punnyadok és próbálom kitalálni, hogy mihez kezdjek a hirtelen jött szabadsággal.

Hétfőtől csütörtökig óráim vannak, csütörtök éjszaka fordítok, pénteken ezt heverem ki aztán este megint fordítok, vasárnap meg reggel is, este is van fordítanivalóm.

A szombat lesz a blogolós nap? (Mostanában úgyis elszoktam ettől, cserébe twitteren meg aktív lettem.)


I solved those problems. I was googling hard, i read dozens of bug tickets and launchpad threads, and though i couldn’t really find anything that exactly matched the problems i had, the intersection of the suggestions always included using pppoeconf, so i gave it a try, ran it, then rebooted and now everything works fine and smooth. I still have no idea what the true nature of the problem was, but it’s fixed so i can’t really care anymore.


Most elhatároztam, hogy megnézem az eddigi három részt a Hanasaku Irohából, ha már eddig nem volt érkezésem. Első benyomások: csodálatos. Nagyszerű rajzolás, jó hangulat.

Az a jelenet meg, ahol Ohana azon a lejtőn megy fel (lásd a kép fentebb) eszembe juttatott egy videót a tsunamiról, amit pont egy ugyanolyan helyről vettek fel. Az elég megrázó volt.


So, i got my internet connection back up, but however much i’d love to say “all right”, that wouldn’t be true. I have some problems with it. I’ve to note that i didn’t test every possible combination thoroughly.

The problem is: under Ubuntu, some websites time out. They are not related to each other in any way, not geographically nor based on content. Then, some secure websites load without stylesheets and scripts in Chrome, but load all right in Firefox. Some websites load if i proxy through Tor. Also, Filezilla (and gftp too) is unable to transfer files to/from certain ftp hosts – while some other hosts work all right. Again, no geographic or any such relation between the hosts.

The tricky part is, it all works fine on Windows (at least the problems with Chrome and secure websites and ftp transfers do), so i guess it’s some kind of configuration problem, but i tried all i could find and i couldn’t figure what could be causing it.

On Windows (7) i have the default settings with the username and password for the DSL connection (PPoE). On Ubuntu, i also have the default settings, but i tried changing them, because who knows, it might be some cutting edge tech not yet supported by the servers, but to no effect.

Any and all help would be appreciated.