
郷の奥 続く道
虚を数えて 辿る道
つづら折り 見え消ゆる
友の影追い 参りけり
山の端 日陰りて

Behind the village, a serpentine path
Slithers between the houses, into the unknown
There I catch a glimpse of a friend’s back
But his shadow slips away behind a corner
To a shrine in the woods I follow his lead
But then the sun drops behind the mountain
And his shadow I followed melts into nothing


暗き森 行き迷いて
この耳 澄まし入れば
戻る後先 告げくる
幽けき 囁きごと
生くるもの 消えゆくもの
眼閉じ 胸に刻む
忘らるる その声を

Lost, swallowed by the somber forest
If you listen closely to the silence
Ghastly voices whisper, queer on the wind
Telling the path and the price of return
Some are granted life, while others are to die
Is that really to the gods to decide?
Close your eyes to hear, and carve them in your heart,
Their voices gone, but never forgotten


月雲に入るを 待つ
ただ ただ 密やかに待つ
八尋の大海うみ 進み出で
ここならぬ天地せかいを 求め行く
弱きこころ捨て 未来さきに繋ぐ
分かつ 結界くぎり抜け
筑波嶺つくばね 闇に溶け
いざや 越えん

Watching the Moon,
Waiting for a cloud to dim its sharp light
Waiting, waiting patiently in the shadows
Set out to sail the sea on to the distance
To seek and to find, looking for a new, for a brave new world
Unchain the heart of its own weakness, and reach out to build
The foundations of the future
Tearing down the wall between
Two of a kind, both living, alive
Tsukuba fades in the dark of night
Time to move! Quiet but quick
There’s no time to waste