Megyek haza!

Örömmel bejelenthetem, hogy ugyan a hitelkártyám internetes felületén még nem jelent meg a terhelés, megkaptam a repülőjegyemről a visszaigazolást.

Úgy néz ki, hogy december 18-án indulok Tokióból, aznap este Moszkvában éjszakázok, majd 19-én délelőtt érek Budapestre. Visszafelé január hatodikán indulok Ferihegyről, átszállok Moszkvában ismét és az éjszakának megfelelő időeltolódást Szibéria fölött tudom le.

Kvázi két hetet lógok így suliból, de egyszerűen nem tudtam máshogy jegyet foglalni, meg aztán az eddigi tapasztalatok alapján a tanárok megértőek ilyen tekintetben a külföldiekkel.

Viszont a repülőúton kívül semmi biztos nincs még a programomban, tehát nyitott vagyok minden lehetőségre.

Starbucks Café Estima blend

Café Estima is one of the blends i wanted to try for a while now, mostly because the packaging sports a very visible “fair trade” badge on it. Still, it didn’t cost more than any other coffee i tried so far. Although it’s “just” bold, not extra bold, the ground beans have a really characteristic aroma to them. It’s somewhat sweetish, as if there was cocoa or something in it. The fresh brew is first of all hot–my aching tongue reminds me of that right now. And it tastes sweet. It’s bitter of course, just as a coffee should be, but it has a sweet taste to it (you can smell it as well, not just taste it), like honey. But that’s just a quick first impression (a good one of those though), after that it’s the tropical coffee taste.

However, this mix of strength and flavour makes it a good choice, not to mention it’s fair trade.

API fun

For the coming blog upgrade, i’m planning to integrate some community services as well. Which means that when i write a post, it’ll automatically post a status on plurk and twitter, and a link on Facebook.

Plurk is by far the easiest to work with, it’s very plain and simple.

Twitter needs a bit more tweaking when it comes to retrieving responses to the ping tweet – i couldn’t figure a way to fetch a response chain, so i’ll have to fetch all the responses to my tweets and iterate through them looking for relevant responses with local javascript. Not to mention there are limitations as well so i’m not even sure it’ll work flawlessly for ever.

And Facebook, well Facebook is a nightmare. I’ve been reading the API documentation for an hour now and i still couldn’t figure out how to do something elementary as fetching comments and likes count on a link.

Of course i was hoping i could do all this on server-side with php, but considering how long these requests could take i’d rather not. Which means, no javascript, no community. Tough life.


Az egy dolog, hogy a hétvégém olyan sűrűn telt, ahogy, az még egy, hogy ma éjfélig meg kell csinálnom egy japán előadást, de az most betette a kaput, hogy egyszerűen nem találok repjegyet haza karácsonyra. Ha valaki azzal szeretne jönni, hogy miért most, két hónappal előbb foglalom, és miért nem tettem ezt meg még augusztusban, azt szeretném emlékeztetni, hogy múlt hónapban kétszáz jen volt a számlámon, nem kétszázezer.

Ahogy eddig néztem, a legolcsóbb az Aeroflot lett volna, viszont egyszerűen nincs hely már. Úgyhogy most azzal próbálkozok, hogy végignézem az európai nagyvárosokat, hova van hely, aztán onnan szerzek jegyet a WizzAirrel, ami japánból nézve kvázi ingyen lesz. Ha valaki szeretne segíteni, akár azzal, hogy talál nekem összesen százezer jen alatt repjegyet, vagy hajlandó adakozni, hogy drágábbal is tudjak menni, annak nagyon hálás lennék.

Going down (for maintenance)

I wish. Yesterday after the last class we had to move a lot of stuff for today’s university festival live, so i was dead tired already when i got home. But i still had to do the quality check for this week’s Shippuuden, so it was almost two am by the time i got to bed. And i had to wake up way earlier than i would’ve wanted to (though later than i was supposed to), because of the aforementioned live performance. Where actually i’m not even performing (neither are most of the other first-years)… And tomorrow it continues. From morning till dusk, then we have to pack everything back, and then we’ll go partying japanese style, which stands for eating and drinking as much as we can. Mostly the former, though, considering i don’t think they could handle me if i got wasted.

But before that all, even though i’m (as expected) dead tired, i still have to do a Bleach quality check as well. And considering the circumstances, it will take a while and not to mention piss me off.

Status report

Lately i’ve been doing a lot of coding, naturally on the blog engine. If all goes well, i hope to get it finished this month, now that i’m really getting the hang of it. True, even if the engine will be complete, migrating all the posts so far will take another nice while considering it has to be done manually. Before anyone cries out, it’s intentional: the categories as they are now will be gone, replaced by more content-oriented tagging. Also, for japanese posts the url-safe conversion of the title has to be done by hand as well, since it’s pretty much impossible to expect a computer to be able to figure out the correct reading for an arbitrary japanese phrase. Not to mention i like to make my own words every now and then.

For example, lately i have to write the kanji 定 quite a lot, and i started writing it in a more… flowing way (rough representation).

Also, ever since it’s been getting colder, my hands were drying just like leaves. I was sure that it’s about the humidity, because in the summer my skin was all right, but i didn’t really test it. Then, today after the preparations for tomorrow’s university festival, we went to eat dinner together and five minutes after we entered the place my fingers weren’t dry anymore. So as soon as i got home i put a liter of water on to boil, and it works. Hell yeah.

Still a Shippuuden qc to go for today.

Dream of the otaku

Gaiman’s Sweeper of Dreams should either do his job properly and sweep it all out or let me remember it long enough so that i can write it down properly. Remembering the fact that i had a cool dream and nothing else is plain torture.

What i remember is that you’d get something like my dream tonight if you took the kanshu of World Embryo, Nagato Yuki from the SOS Brigade, Kobasen from the Law of Ueki and the style of Fairy Tail all in reality. I wasn’t there in body, just as “the camera”. There was this little girl who has powers, i don’t know exactly what, but at least in certain places she could trigger something like a closed space that Haruhi so loved to create. There was also the Nagato-style girl, who the other girl fought and defeated earlier and couldn’t speak. There was (i think) a guy too, much like Ueki’s Mr. K.

I only remember the very last part of the dream, in the night on some abandoned mountainside parking lot. It was the very same place where the girls fought long before. The girl prepared for the “swipe”, the Nagato-girl clang on her arm so she asked “do you want to come along too?” The next is a full-fledged battle between the girl and something that looked as if the D-Reaper infested a kanshu and took Nagato as an example for body.

Then i woke up.

To code

Lately i really feel the urge to finally complete the new blog engine, but during the day i just can’t get myself to concentrate and code. That’s why i thought it was strange that yesterday after doing nothing all day in the night suddenly i started to code like crazy (rewriting the user class from scratch and stuff). So today i decided to test it, and the first experiment proved successful already: although all day i didn’t feel like coding (i tried) and was watching Fairy Tail all the time instead, now that it’s past eleven pm, suddenly my will and energy to fight code.

So i start. (The only problem is, tomorrow i’ll have to get up a bit earlier than usual so that i can get back from Kyoto on time for the afternoon japanese class…)


Megértem a Shiki vámpírjait, megértem Gluttony-t (FMA) és megértem a shonen-mangák folyton éhes tipikus főszereplőit. Meg a Samurai Champloo szereplőgárdáját.

Valaki megmagyarázhatná, hogy ha olyan degeszre eszem magam, hogy fél órán át ha akarnék se tudnék lehajolni, úgy tele van a hasam, akkor hogy lehetek egy óra múlva olyan éhes, mintha egy falatot se ettem volna? Hogy?

Már nem mintha sok kéne hozzá, hogy beteljen a gyomrom, két szendvicsből vagy akár két narancsból is jól tudok lakni, de egy nap ha a gyomrom szerint ennék, legalább hatszor-hétszer kajálnék. Akkor meg, attól tartok, hiába mondhatom büszkén, hogy vagy egy közös pontom Stockinggal (éspedig hogy akármennyit eszek, nem tudok egy-két kilónál többet hízni-fogyni), annyit nem bírnék kigömbölyödés nélkül.

Ennek eredményeképpen szinte folyamatosan éhes vagyok. De sebaj. Gáznak tartom morogni egy pókos képre, de még gázabb lenne, ha az éhségemet nem tudnám megfékezni. Nem vagyok én Kirishiki.

Things i learnt today

First: no Western Union in Japan. Okay, that’s a bit of over-exaggerating, because it’s available in Japan, just only around Tokyo and Keihanshin (京阪神: Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe), not in the countryside like Hikone. Or Nagoya. This is somewhat surprising considering that in my hometown of less than thirty thousand you can find a WU agent without problem.

Second: oranges are durable. I had three oranges in my fridge for over half a year, and they were still edible, except for one being paper dry. Made my breakfast (i forgot to buy cereal yesterday and didn’t feel like eating sandwiches).

Third: related to the first, a new word: 国際送金サービス. I had to explain somehow what WU was supposed to be to people who never even heard of it.

Fourth: working out for an hour with only two oranges and water in your stomach is fun.

Thanks for your attention.