Not really Chinese anymore

Back sometime in early summer, I went out for dinner with my co-workers. I don’t usually do that because of the habit of cooking for myself that I picked up during my poor university years. Of course when there is a chance that I can get full and better even, for free, then I have no reason to decline.

That time I had sweet and sour pork, that many might be familiar with from Chinese cuisine, but it’s found its way into Japan and is just as established as ramen (which is also Chinese). I really liked it, and decided to make it for myself.

Japanese phrases exported

I found Curazy’s list of Japanese words exported into other languages quite amusing. I’m still not exactly sure if it’s meant to be serious or not, considering how it includes shio taran, which is a totally coincidental close phonetic match of the Hungarian phrase (sótlan) of the same meaning (“not salty enough”). I’d say some of the others are similar coincidental matches too. Nonetheless, I decided to come up with a similar list.

Kumano Kodo Beer

Imagine that this post is written in ojou-sama Japanese. I’m adding “desu wa” to the end of every sentence in my head anyway. If you don’t get it why, the previous sentences were not meant for you.

The 古道 (kodou) stands for “old style”, which made me cautious after my not so pleasant experiences with the Beer Hearn “old-style IPA”, but unlike that, Kumano Kodo is a brown ale, and I guess that made all the difference.

Kumano Kodo Beer


Hónapok óta nem iszok tejet. Ennek oka annyi, hogy a reggel kukoricapelyhet zabkására cseréltem. Ha főzve enném, persze tejjel főzném ki, de hidegen csak kikeverem natúr joghurttal, egy kiskanál áfonyalekvárral és pár szem földimogyoróval, és kész is. A lényeg, hogy sütésen kívül már nem fogyasztok egyáltalán tejet.

Van már talán három hete, hogy vettem egy doboz tejet, nem tudom már, hogy melyik sütimhez, és azóta a hűtőben áll. Múlt héten, amikor az almásba kellett tej, akkor beleszagoltam, és meglepve konstatáltam, hogy még mindig nem volt semmi baja. A lejárati ideje is október 24 volt, így  nem számítottam rá, hogy jó lesz még. Pedig.

Aztán ma beleszagoltam megint, és így szolid másfél héttel a lejárta után már elkezdett vicces szaga lenni, de még mindig nem az a hagyományos romlott tej szag, amit vártam. Nem tudom, mit tettek bele, és már nem is akarom inkább tudni.


People don’t like ads, yet they keep the online world rolling. Showing ads is pretty much the only source of income for free social networks. I don’t know how it works on facebook, since I don’t ever use that on my phone and on my computers everything is adblocked, but twitter has promoted tweets showing up every now and then. At this point I turned off adblock on twitter, because some of those ads are actually interesting.

For example I found the cloud host the blog is running on through such a promotion, and promo codes are still paying for it as well. While there is also the occasional irrelevant promo, those can be just dismissed, and judging from how they tend not to show up again, I guess the site learns what I care about. Which is good.

Ads like this, I don’t mind.


On Wednesday, during my lunch break, I wanted to sort out something about my credit card on the phone, but then the dear device decided to freeze rock solid in the middle of the call, terminating it. At this point I somehow managed to contain my rage, took out the battery and tried to power it up again.

Without any success. It sat in front of me for minutes and not even the Sony logo would show up. Now that made something snap in me, and then the wall made the screen of the phone snap too. I used it for a year, when I had it replaced for similar reasons. I again got the same Xperia VL, because it’s still the best phone on the lineup for me (and the smallest).

I just finished setting up the essentials (Google, Line, Twitter, Dropbox), and now let’s how it will work all right at least until next spring, when some discounts on my contract expire, so I’m thinking of switching phones at that point. Although if I can’t find anything under 4.5″, I’ll just stick with this one.


Sadly, I’m getting used to this sick style of life, that I work from 10am to midnight every weekday, get close to no sleep on Thursday nights thanks to Shirobako, then on the weekend maybe get half of the stuff I should do done. At least I think my body got used to tighter sleep schedules, since I’m no longer so irritable late night as I used to be.

Not sure if that’s a good thing though. I’d so much rather have a few hours of actually usable free time every day, but alas. At least work’s getting busy, so I’m not sitting idly all day just to get fucktons of work dumped on me at 10pm. I also actively adjust my workflow so that I can minimize idling and maximize my free time. Not that it’s easy.





A családi fészekben vasárnapokon és ünnepekkor is gyakran volt almás (pite), akkor még nagymamám előadásában. Aztán most kitaláltam, hogy ha már sütök valamit, akkor miért ne lehetne akár az a cél?


Otaru Bakusyu Pilsner

Another beer from Hokkaido, this time their pilsner. Lager beer and thus pilsner are quite close to my heart, so I was looking forward to this one.

Otaru Bakusyu Pilsner