
On Wednesday, during my lunch break, I wanted to sort out something about my credit card on the phone, but then the dear device decided to freeze rock solid in the middle of the call, terminating it. At this point I somehow managed to contain my rage, took out the battery and tried to power it up again.

Without any success. It sat in front of me for minutes and not even the Sony logo would show up. Now that made something snap in me, and then the wall made the screen of the phone snap too. I used it for a year, when I had it replaced for similar reasons. I again got the same Xperia VL, because it’s still the best phone on the lineup for me (and the smallest).

I just finished setting up the essentials (Google, Line, Twitter, Dropbox), and now let’s how it will work all right at least until next spring, when some discounts on my contract expire, so I’m thinking of switching phones at that point. Although if I can’t find anything under 4.5″, I’ll just stick with this one.


Sadly, I’m getting used to this sick style of life, that I work from 10am to midnight every weekday, get close to no sleep on Thursday nights thanks to Shirobako, then on the weekend maybe get half of the stuff I should do done. At least I think my body got used to tighter sleep schedules, since I’m no longer so irritable late night as I used to be.

Not sure if that’s a good thing though. I’d so much rather have a few hours of actually usable free time every day, but alas. At least work’s getting busy, so I’m not sitting idly all day just to get fucktons of work dumped on me at 10pm. I also actively adjust my workflow so that I can minimize idling and maximize my free time. Not that it’s easy.





A családi fészekben vasárnapokon és ünnepekkor is gyakran volt almás (pite), akkor még nagymamám előadásában. Aztán most kitaláltam, hogy ha már sütök valamit, akkor miért ne lehetne akár az a cél?


Otaru Bakusyu Pilsner

Another beer from Hokkaido, this time their pilsner. Lager beer and thus pilsner are quite close to my heart, so I was looking forward to this one.

Otaru Bakusyu Pilsner


Múlt hét végén megint sütöttem, ezúttal egy csokis finomságot. Egy angol nyelvű receptet csavartam ki a saját igényeim szerint, és a végeredmény nem is lett rossz. Bár nem sült át annyira, mint gondoltam, azért nyers nem maradt, és a kollégák reakciói is pozitívak voltak.


Baird Beer Wabi-Sabi Japan

The label of this beer looks just simply black at first glance, and that caught my attention. Honestly I was expecting a stout at first, but then looking closer, it did say pale ale. A pale ale with green tea and wasabi in it? Sounds like a challenge…

Baird Beer Wabi-Sabi Japan

Hogy mi?

Ja, hogy egész héten lényegében semmit nem volt erőm írni? Ugyan, végülis csak kedd óta minden nap éjfél után értem haza… Ami még nem is lenne önmagában baj, ha nem akarnék esetleg a kaja-meló-alvás szentháromságon kívül mást is csinálni.

Pedig van merszem. Múlt héten még csináltam is ezt-azt, de ezen a héten már csak az életbenmaradáson volt a hangsúly. Lenne pedig mit csinálni, mert persze még mindig nem sikerült kigyógyítani magamat abból a rémes betegségből, hogy semmire nem tudok nemet mondani. Így hát mindig akad fordítani- és programoznivalóm, pedig néha inkább csak elheverednék, és steampunk könyveket olvasnék.

Oh!La!Ho Captain Crow Extra Pale Ale

You know, I’ve always felt that the name “pale ale” is misleading. Even now the first impression of the word “pale” is that it would be light, just how the mass-produced commercial lagers are watered-down versions of the real thing.

Obviously, that’s not why pale ales are called pale, and once I realized that I was quite excited to try out Oh!La!Ho’s extra pale ale.

Oh!La!Ho Captain Crow EPA


It’s been a while since I last got caffeine high. It might’ve been a year or two back when I knocked back 4-5 cups of freshly brewed coffee during a late-night translation session.