Tag: ci/cd

ArgoCD bootstrap cluster

I wish it could be completely automated… But for now I’ve just automated as much as possible (and convenient). The ingredients:

  • Helm
  • Sealed Secrets
  • Argo CD and Argo Rollouts
  • traefik
  • Prometheus and Grafana

I have a repository for the purposes of playing around with Kubernetes tooling like this – and hopefully turn it into an actual application eventually. I have big plans and lots of stuff I want to try out, but time is limited. All the code examples in this post use the namespaces and naming choices in the repository. The folder structure (relevant to this bit) is like…

 ├┬ apps
 │└─ (bootstrapped Argo CD app manifests)
 ├┬ argo
 │└─ the local "umbrella chart" for Argo CD and Argo Rollouts
 ├┬ bootstrap
 │└─ boilerplate project and application manifests
 └┬ manifests
  └─ manifests I didn't bother turning into a Helm chart
     referenced by the raw-manifests.yaml application


