Some things i forgot while writing the previous post…
First day
Our teacher told us to write a diary about the events out here in the states, so that we could later show it to others and such. Well i decided to write that “diary” into my blog, since this one’s quite much like an online diary after all.
Geiß Maß
Avagy “gojszmosz”, ahogy a jó bajor vendéglátóink mondták (mondjuk a “gojszmász” is dívott) – ez pedig egy nagyon kellemes dolog, amit egy literes korsóban szolgálnak fel, sör van benne (sok), meg kóla (kevesebb), meg sherry (nagyjából egy deci). Kellemes, könnyed és frissítő, meg egy cseppet még ütős is.
Azt kell eldöntenem, hogy mit fogok csinálni július első hetében. Egyik lehetőség, hogy németországba megyek egy barátommal és öt napig ott szórakozunk, és valószínűleg piszok jól érezzük magunkat, és mivel iskolai szervezés, teljesen ingyen van, és még unatkozni sem fogunk. Viszont ez két dologgal is ütközik: először is július elején lesz az utolsó elsősegély/eü. órám és rögtön másnap a vizsga is, plusz akkor mennék Volt fesztre is egy másik jó barátommal. Na ezt hívják dilemmának.
Edit 19:46
Úgy tűnik, németország lesz ebből… Azt még azért ki kell találnom, hogy az elsősegély-vizsgámmal mit fogok kezdeni.
Ok, i’m back. Paris’ been fun, really. We spent … i think three days there. Yeah, it’s been three: tuesday, wednesday, thursday. We arrived to the hotel (situated only about 200 metres from the notre dame) some half hour before noon on tuesday, and left after tasting the recently arrived beaujolais nouveau (new wine from beaujolais) at about six o’clock post meridiem, and spent all the time between (except those hours spent with sleeping) wandering in the city checking out most the famous attractions (like the musée du louvre, with mona lisa and other paintings and sculptures of old greats, the eiffel tower, the notre dame, the sacré coeur and all the others i missed to mention here) and sitting in restaurants spending the needed meals and other such usual tourist activities, like simply walking around and in shops that catch the eye… Won’t write anything more now, i think this tells all, maybe later i’ll put some photos up, now i rather go to sleep, i went to bed last night at half past two ante meridiem…
Long weekend’s afternoon
Now i post at last. It wasn’t an easy round for sure! I’ve hardly been at home since thursday afternoon.
First on friday and on saturday i was on a class trip that was far better than any such trips before. We’ve been to Miskolc for two days, and believe me, it was much fun. We started around 8 am friday, naturally we travelled by bus. It took around 2 hours to get somewhere near Miskolc. The first thing we saw was the St. Stephan cave at Lillafüred. It was pretty big, but i heard from those who’ve been to Aggtelek that the caves there are way bigger. Then we spent a few hours in the wildlife-park on the outskirts of Miskolc. They had all kind of animals, ranging from pigs to bengali tiger and other big predators. In the city we’ve seen some churches, a not-so-well-designed Kalvinist one and a really-really beautyful greek orthodox one. That one had it’s whole back wall (about 8×16 meters) covered with gold and nice paintings, icons. It alone worth going to Miskolc.
Then when we arrived at the camping (for the want of a better term, since it had wooden houses and everything), we lit the fire, made dinner and had fun together playing, talking, drinking (sadly some got badly drunk but that’s hard to avoid with so many stupid people around). The teachers were nice, didn’t disturb us much. We went to bed around 3 am.
And we slept only about 4 hours, coz by 7am nearly everyone was wide awake, and at 8am we had breakfast. Then we left for the cave baths nearby where we should’ve spent our whole day, but around 3pm everyone got fed up with it, so we left and started home. Only one thing deserves mentioning there: our head of class (so the teacher) was still (or again) so drunk that she (yeah, she) got thrown out of the baths. So we started home. This time the travelling took much less time than before (or maybe just everyone slept the whole time =)).
We arrived home at somewhere around 5pm. I walked a classmate to the bus station then i popped in to a family celebration i wasn’t aware of at all. I arrived home, but i was so dead tired that i couldn’t even think about posting a summary here… Sorry for that. Anyway, it’s here, glad you’ve read it!
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