Yesterday i had the feeling that i’ve to go out somewhere sunbathing. I had no mood to go to the plage (?) or such, so i decided to cycle out to the nearby mountains and lie there in a sunny glade. This what i did, set off after lunch, and stayed out there for a few hours. The sun does great good to my skin, at least so i believe, not to mention that it’s a nice good stamina training to cycle out there, since it’s all mountains around here, and this place i went to is the second highest of them. I also brought six 1.5 litre mineral water bottles along so that i could bring home some fresh spring-water. Got to say, riding downwards with about twenty pounds of water on my back is quite an experience, no to mention that the extra weight gave a nice deal of extra speed, thus let me ride over 70 kmph. After, i went and bought some fruits, but still even with that i managed to make an average speed of 18.8, which’s not so bad i think, though i usually aim for averages of over 20… doesn’t matter much. It was fun, the sun shone, the landscape was beautiful as usual, the birds were chirping and such.