Month: March 2020

Tavaszi hó

Milyen jó is az, amikor télen próbálnék síelni menni, és minden sípálya félig-meddig üzemel csak, mert “meleg a tél” és “alig van hó”. Először egy félprofi panaszkodott erről a Hotaka síliftjén, aztán amikor Nozawára mentem, hogy akkor megtanulok sífutni, minden sífutás órát lemondtak a szezonra, mondván nincs elég hó. Utána a Nishi-Hotaka oldalában is kérdéses volt, hogy tudunk-e hótalpas túrázni (bár az végül sikerült).

Return to Kumotori

While other countries have pretty harsh lockdown rules (from what I hear on the news), Japan is pretty lax about that. While commuting to work by train is discouraged, I figured going up in the mountains (where there are hardly any people) it can’t hurt, right?

Training for Aconcagua

After Elbrus and Kilimanjaro, I knew I can’t take Aconcagua lightly. At almost 7000m it’s the highest mountain outside of Asia and thus the second highest of the Seven Summits. Working full time, the time I had available for training was very limited. This was before covid hit either, so I actually had to commute to the office too, which is about an hour one way. So what can the man do if he only has so many hours in the day and he needs some sleep too, but training has to be done for Aconcagua?

Down and out

After reaching the summit of Aconcagua at 6961m, we took two days to get back down. Naturally when we got back to camp 3 after the summit day, we were completely exhausted. However the next day wasn’t going to be any easier either: we had to descend all the way to the “normal” route base camp at Plaza de Mulas.