Gy. Ú. R. O. K.

A hétvégén végre eljutottam a helyi konditerembe. Eddig is minden reggel eljártam futni, de mint a múltkor leírtam, a kondi már nem fért bele a hétköznapjaimba.

The Bud

The thing about Budweiser is that by the time someone gets well-phrased enough in the world of beers to know what good and bad is, they tend to become snobs who can only appreciate craft IPAs, refusing to even treat mass-produced delights like Bud as beer.

The Bud

Looking East

I’ve seen ads on the train promoting a (somewhat) impressionist exhibition in the Setagaya Museum of Arts. The collection from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts can be seen in Tokyo in the summer, then it’s gonna be put on exhibit in Osaka for the fall and Nagoya during the winter.



Ma hazafelé az egyik vasútállomásnál láttam egy amerikai-stílusú fánkost, és engedtem a csábításnak. Az áraik persze nem a földön járnak (valamiért úgy sejtem, hogy amennyiért itt egy fánkot kapok, annyiért Amerikában tizenegyet kapnék), úgyhogy “csak” kettőt vettem.

2014-07-20 21.20.56

Straight out of hell

Last year I wasn’t really paying attention to anything music, so I must admit I didn’t realize that Helloween released a new album. While Straight From Hell didn’t impress me much at first, it’s by no means bad.

Helloween 2013

Another Saturday out

When you work 10-10 every weekday, then instead of spending the weekend lazily couchsurfing your own couch, you’ll find yourself trying to come up with something for those two days to live. At least that’s how it works for me.

Web of lies

It goes just as I expected, as much as I hate to say that. What we know for sure is that someone shot down a Malaysian passenger plane over east Ukraine using a surface-to-air missile. Thing is, whoever did it, they could never admit it.


While I was looking for a job back last year, I had one big problem: I had no idea how much people actually earn. Even if I asked people I knew from the university or encountered during my “internships”, or at jobhunting events, they’d just give evasive answers and refuse to tell.

Working out

I decided to return to sports starting this week. No big deal, just jogging every morning and going to the gym to work out on the weekends.


Volt még egy darabja az okinawai konyhának, amit már rég ki akartam próbálni, mégpedig a rafté (rafute). Röviden: sertés, puhára főzve. Tegnap aztán nekiestem, mondván vasárnap van, ráérek – a recept, amit kiszúrtam meg azt mondta, hogy másfél óra alatt meglesz. Alapból még az is háromszor több, mint amennyit kajáért hajlandó vagyok a konyhában állni, de most kivételt tettem.