Article 9

I won’t pretend that I completely understand all the implications of the announced reinterpretation of the Japanese constitution’s article 9, the so-called “peace clause”. But I can guess the reasoning someone well-phrased in geopolitics would give for it.


Despite waking up earlier than yesterday, at 2pm I was forced to realize that staying at home, my productivity drops drastically. I was so pretty determined to go outside, anywhere, for any reason, just for some change of air to set my mind in motion. However, I didn’t feel enthusiastic enough to go downtown again, and I don’t know any suitable cafes in the area either. I ended up with just walking (instead of cycling) to buy groceries.

It was worth it in more ways than one: first of all, I got to wear my new kilt again (I’d rather not ride my bicycle with that) and I found a pottery exhibition on the way.

阿久津雅土 展

Get real

For having fun on a night out it’s often more important who’s absent than who’s present. There are people I can chat about anything (pretty literally) for hours, while there are others who manage to derail any conversation in 20 seconds with such fury that I end up being bored out of my mind in a minute and then spend the rest of the night trying to find a way to escape.


Monday night (Japan time) I ordered something (more details later) online from Britain. To be honest, I didn’t expect it to arrive for weeks, since I picked the cheapest shipping method.

Berg Katze

It’s really hard to write about the CROWDS finale without spoilers. I tried, but that just wasn’t enough to blow the steam off. Consider this a spoiler alert.


Gatchaman Crowds

My senpai at work noticed me let me borrow his Gatchaman Crowds BD box, so I finally got to see the final episode’s director’s cut version in its full beauty.


Summer. That bloody fucking summer. I hate it so much at times like this I can barely put it into words.

Depth charges

I remember that a while ago they announced they’d make depth charges be much more effective when used together with sonars. (Well duh, I thought, sonars alone are pretty powerful anti-sub equipment.) However I missed the part of the announcement that said they’d make depth charges completely useless on their own.

Affirmations 2

While (at least partially) positive feedback is really important to (easily) maintain a positive attitude. But did you know that “affirmations” is still a hippie keyword on Wikipedia?


