Ébresztett a telefonom nyolckor, és hála a nagyon furfangos ébresztő-programnak, miután megoldottam három matekfeladatot, már tényleg nem is volt kedvem visszafeküdni. Gyorsan le is rendeztem hát a szokásos reggeli teendőket (főleg KanColle), bár futni még nem járok, mert még mindig nem akarom terhelni a bokámat.
The thing in the post title is something I didn’t have any experience with before coming to Japan. It only became a part of my daily routine since I moved to Tokyo almost two months ago. Sadly I’m not talking about the FPS game.
I’m pretty sure I’ve experienced more earthquakes in Tokyo just the past two weeks than in the 4 years I spent in Hikone. “Best” of all is that some of these weren’t even small. Small is when everyone just tweets “omg it’s an earthquake” then forgets all about it ten minutes later.
就活やってる人たぶん皆いろいろ聞いてるだろ。日本の労働環境の伝統的な年功序列の崩壊とか、終身雇用の維持可能性がどうこうとか、日本の労働市場のグローバルな競争能力をあげるにいくら外人が必y いやさすがにそんな夢物語は留学生以外は言われないだろう。
Szavatossági teszt
Múlt héten Majd’ két hete, hogy vettem egy (légmentesen zárt) zacskó salátának való zöldséget, csak aztán közbe jött ez meg az és egész héten összesen egyszer vacsoráztam itthon, így csak most, “kissé” megkésve (szolid tíz nappal a feltüntetett szavatossági ideje lejárta után) volt módom felbontani. Mivel a szaga alapján nem tudtam eldönteni, hogy ehető-e még, ezért a legegyszerűbb tesztet vetettem be, hogy ellenőrizzem: beleettem.
Az a fránya angol
Megy a majré, hogy milyen felháborítóan nehéz volt az emelt angol érettségi hallásértési feladata. Az a bizonyos Picasso. Biztos csak a külföldre szabadult ember beszél belőlem, de erre csak annyit tudok mondani, hogy: Magyarország. Ugyan miért nem rinyál a magyar ember?
Now that the spring event is over, my KanColle playstyle changes once again. Back in university I had the time (or just didn’t care that I don’t) to play actively all day every day, and I was clearing all the quests, even those vastly cost-ineffective. Which as a side effect resulted in that I was poor. I remember feeling rich having 7-8 thousands of resources.
During the past month, one question we were asked pretty often was whether we want to move on to the creative or the management side of production. I answered management without hesitation, since I don’t feel an ounce of creativity in myself that I thought to be essential for the other path.
After five years of flying thousands of miles every winter, I finally got a mileage card. Stupid, I know. I’m positive I’d have become a gold member in a year if I got one when I moved to Japan… Either way, I’ll keep gathering miles now (and hang out in elite lounges at airports as soon as I can) – although I’m a little concerned if I’ll have time to fly whatsoever in the coming few years. I have no issues with working all day every day, but visiting my family around Christmas is something I’m not willing to give up.
Whitstable Bay
The last of the Shepherd Neame beers on shelf at the nearby supermarket was the organic ale named Whistable Bay. I don’t know if it’s because of the “organic” or not, but it’s a really (taste-wise) smooth and quiet beer. Don’t get me wrong, it’s full-bodied, but not in a heavy way, so it’s quite refreshing. Even I recognize a subtle grapefruit-ish aroma from the hops in it. It somehow reminds me of classic all-butter shortbread.
The best part of this all, which I only noticed today, is that these imported ales in 500ml bottles are only 3 yen more expensive than the 300ml can Japanese beers. I think you can guess which am I going to pick.
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