Tag: english

Good days, bad days

Everyone, even Garfield hates Mondays, and I’m no exception from that. The way it violates the (hopefully) progress of a weekend and plunges you back back into the dull, mechanical days of work.

Now I’ve got one more reason to hate Mondays. Yesterday, while on an errand in vain (the stuff I was supposed to pick up hadn’t arrived yet), a dutiful cop spotted me checking my phone while stopped in a traffic jam, and I guess you can figure out the rest. It’s “reassuring” to know that policemen are the enemy of people everywhere.

On the other hand, today was pretty nice. While on the rerun of aforementioned errand, I sent in a request to a local radio and they actually played the song I asked for. That felt really nice, and the fact that for the first time in a month I was home from work before midnight felt even nicer.


However, my first destination wasn’t Hungary, but Malta. One of my brothers moved there with his family this summer, and we went to spend a few days there with them before Christmas (my sister, my parents and I).

Malta doesn’t know winter. It can get a bit chilly in the night, and the wind is as expected on a small island in the middle of the sea, but it’s still just sweater weather. You ever swam in the sea in the middle of winter without having to fear freezing to death? Well, neither have I (walking in knee-deep was enough for me).


Last Friday KanColle was down for maintenance, and I was bored as hell (since the project at work is in the very last stages, there’s hardly anything left to do), I tried out ShiroPro. Formally it’s called 御城プロジェクト (oshiro project, castle project), although it started out as ShiroColle. I guess it’s better to set the game apart from KC, though it’s still compared to it all the time. After all it’s a “collecting” game again, just instead of WW2 warships, this time it’s Japanese castles.



It’s not news in any sense, but I managed to get out of bronze (again) a few weeks back. I ended up there in season 4 – I don’t know if I just screwed up my placements or I decayed down from silver not playing for half a year at all, but I had to work my way out again. It didn’t take as long as I feared it could (I have horrendous luck and always end up with terrible teams when I’m in series).

On a related note, I still had a few people on my friends list who (I guess) I added while I was fighting my way out of bronze in season 3. I’m well aware that I’m not a good player, but when I see people stuck in bronze 5 for years, that lack of any progress is amazing even in my eyes.

Black-bottom banana cake

Last week I wanted to make something banana. I had nothing particular in mind, so I looked into all kinds of stuff from cheesecakes and meringue pies to pound cakes. I ended up with black-bottom banana bars. I don’t think it turned out all so well.

Black bottom banana bars


Today had two elements worthy of mention: sleeping for hours at work as there was nothing to do and playing Rumble once again. As for the former, I quite literally had nothing to do all day until like 8pm – because of course my superiors just love to suddenly remember that there was this really urgent thing that had to be done immediately, and of course they always recall such tasks when I’d rather be at home already drinking a hot cocoa than at work doing… whatever.

Playing Rumble is still fun, especially since my opponents have quite obviously never seen a Rumble in game. Rumble is the typical champion that I enjoy playing a lot, but am bad at. (Although this latter tends to apply to every champion.) My lag still isn’t improving either. Some games I get good solid under-200ms pings, then the next game I start spiking above 500 with the average climbing above 300. At that point things get really difficult as avoiding skillshots is pretty much out of question.

I’d definitely love to change ISPs, but the way my connection is bundled with my phone contract would make switching a lot more trouble than I’m immediately willing to go through.

Peanut butter choco chunk bars

I don’t remember anymore just how exactly I found this recipe, but I ended up making chocolate chunk peanut butter cookie bars. I definitely baked it much more than the recipe says, but it turned out to be just according to my taste nonetheless. The top layer is crunchy, baked well, while the bottom is soft (but not raw). I consider it really dangerous, because I could eat tons of it.

Peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie bars

What gives

I spent the last week trying to eat in a way to help my insides recover. You don’t know just how unfunny it is to have diarrhea when some green liquid explodes out of you every 3-4 hours. Luckily it’s better now, and especially when I’m sitting on my chair all day doing nothing but playing League or KanColle it stabilizes even more.

One more down

While the event managed to provoke me, I still managed to put an end to it in four days. That’s way less than what it took to finish the spring or even the summer event, and fall was much lighter on the resources too.

KanColle 2014 fall event cleared


I’ve kinda reached a state of zen regarding KanColle. A troubled zen, I must admit, but still. It can’t upset me anymore with a few lucky crits and not being able to land the final hit on a boss is just a minor frustration. But the bullshit it just pulled on me was something I’ve never seen before.

Day Night