Tag: english


True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.

Kurt Vonnegut

While my high school class isn’t running any country (yet), the past few days I’ve had some experiences that are much alike to that terror.

So much to do, so little time

I get the feeling that even if I wasn’t working 10-11 hours a day I’d still have trouble squeezing in all the stuff I’d want to do. This is in such a big contrast with how lazy I used t— scratch that. I’m still lazy but at least now I’m trying more consciously to spend the little free time I have more meaningfully.

This usually involves going outside, since if I’m at home, it usually comes down to either sleeping or procrastinating online. Writing blogposts intended to be interesting (and probably fail at that) is also an option, but that takes serious effort. I need to go out even to read: at home I’d just fall asleep over the book – any book. Can I please have a body that doesn’t have stupid demands like sleep?

Helios Goya Dry

Well. I like beer, I love goya. Why not try goya “beer” then?

Goya Dry

Matsue Beerhearn Pilsner

A Pilsner from Shimane? This sounds promising. Matsue’s brew isn’t exactly what I expected though.

Beerhearn Pilsner


In the evening I took a little excursion to Tokyo station to pick up my week’s load of beer. The rain’s already stopped, so I didn’t really think much about what I put on. Went with a (utili)kilt, my red Threadless shirt and boots (I don’t really have any other waterproof shoes).

On the way home, some western guy walked up to me at Ogikubo station, and told me I’ve got “an interesting fashion sense.” I guess I should consider that a praise.


I’m not willing to give up, but I’m down 35 buckets and I only managed one boss kill on the very first map of the summer event. This isn’t a promising start.


The name of the band itself gave a very pretentious impression. “This is intelligent music!” Well, there is some depth to it, I must give them that, but I still couldn’t grow to like it.

IQ - The Road Of Bones

Iwate Kinkura

This Iwate local beer called Kinkura was recommended for summer, so of course I decided to give it a try.


Unazuki Kamoshika Bock

To be honest I didn’t even realize what kind of a beer I picked, even though it was the “bock” that caught my eye. 氈鹿 (kamoshika) stands for serow, in line with the German meaning of Bock (which also billy goat).

Unazuki Kamoshika bock

A VPS, again

Just this morning I got a promo tweet telling me about SSD cloud hosting for $5 a month. Not that I’d need a cloud host VPS to run a low-traffic WP blog, but I like occasionally having fun with lower-level stuff, and als— wait what? It costs less than my current shared plan?