So many people online-around me went on and on about how awesome and great and so on the british series called Misfits is, i gave in to the temptation and checked it. Must say it really is.
The best anime of 2011, cont.
I decided to put the one-shots and movies separetely… Though it’s only one one-shot and one movie i’d like to write about.
Just yesterday i translated Kyosogiga. It was… Well, it was quite unexpected. Reading the description on the charts i was expecting something like Yozakura Quartet (an anime i loved), but instead i got an anime scarily similar to FLCL (an anime i loved). The word puns are way tougher than anything even in Bakemonogatari. It was awesome, even if i’ve to admit that my translation is probably quite far from perfect. (Also, i’d like to shout out a big “fuck you” to the japanese people who scanned the hand-outs from the screening with the ED lyrics and uploaded only a thumbnail of it. I lack the required perk to catch any of that engrish crap.) If it was a series and not just a one-shot, it’d be on the top.
The other one is the movie Mardock Scramble. I haven’t actually translated it, just checked the translation, but that amazing cyberpunk sci-fi world was just… too great. I really can’t wait to watch the second movie in the series, and if it’s going to be just as awesome as the first one, chances are i couldn’t stop watching it on loop (just like i couldn’t stop watching for example the 2009 Star Trek movie). If you haven’t seen it yet, you must.
The best anime of 2011
This year i haven’t really watched any anime i wasn’t working on. Luckily i worked on quite a few, so let me just write down which ones i enjoyed the most. Before anyone mentions Star Driver, which is obviously the best anime of the past 4 seasons, i don’t count that as 2011 since it started in 2010.
The first one i worked on was Gosick. I only translated the first five or so episodes, then watched another five or so, and then forgot about it completely. The next was Madoka, which i translated from episode 9 on, and it was fun, but looking back it’s a bit too insane for my tastes. It was the big hit of the year for sure though.
Then came a lot of stuff at once. C, Hen Zemi, Denpa Onna, Blue Exorcist. C could have been the best, because the whole idea and all the economy stuff was very close to me (studying economy), but the story and the ending was crap squared. Hen Zemi was pure fun, and the kind of fun i’d rather not show to kids before they could appreciate it (and thanks to this series i got to know the awesome band 横浜銀蝿), but i can’t really say it was the best. Neither was Ao no Exorcist, which turned out to be a bit too general shonen anime with a very weird ending. I’m still reading the manga though.
Why Guilty Crown is crap
tl;dr version: the main character is as annoying as nothing i’ve ever seen before.
Longer version: the main character is as annoying as nothing i’ve ever seen before. He really acts like a spoiled brat, only concentrating on his own pitiful little existence, while trying to tell himself how he cares about others. Then comes a depressive fit that would fit even in Evangelion, and he feels low because he was forced to face what an utter asshole he is again. But change? Or at least try to change? Not a chance. Just keep thinking about betraying the people who saved him and whom he saved plenty of times, even after six (six!) episodes (and i’m pretty sure he will actually do it once and then surprise surprise they’ll forgive him because he has the Hand). Just keep sulking about the girl superstar who he had a crush on, but who rather favors a military genius, the leader of the group, who is as awesome and cool as can get. Just keep acting as if you were more mature than the others and look down on them, don’t even consider that maybe all those adult men and women actually know what they are doing and signed up knowing all the risks–therefore they don’t need your little high-school worries.
This show would be so much better if this shitty brat just died in episode one.
You might have wondered where have i disappeared to… The answer is: Skyrim. It’s damn addictive, and it takes a significant effort to start up Aegisub and get stuff done. At the moment as well I feel the urge to just reboot and dive into the frozen world of dragons, abandoned dwemer cities and catacombs full of undead. But still i felt the need to at least report in so that you won’t worry. Though what you should worry about is my finance. Donate using the widget on the right!
Starbucks House blend
After the mild Breakfast blend, even the medium House blend feels bold. It’s as typical a Starbucks coffee as can be.
The steam is sweet and has something in it that reminds me of the warmth of an maple. The coffee itself is nicely sharp and crispy, but at the same time has the same warm taste to it, which turns out to be more like cocoa than maple. It’s more sweet and way bolder than i expected it to be, and that surprise is one of the few good things that happened to me today. I’ll enjoy drinking this coffee for a week (until it runs out).
Starbucks Breakfast blend
I was not a bit hesitant to give the Breakfast blend a try (the same goes for the House blend). Why? Because i like bold coffee, and the Breakfast blend is labelled as “mild”. My first impression is that though it smells and looks like coffee and gives the impression of a coffee when tasted, i at first had trouble identifying what taste it is exactly. It has a fresh, sweet aroma, but that as well feels so… familiar? humble? quiet? that i got used to it in the matter of moments. The taste is likewise quiet, the usual “coffee punch” is more like a “coffee fondle”–it’s soft and clean. A bit of citrusy freshness, and the rest is just the coffee. I’m surprised though how long the taste lingers after a good cup, it’s so mild i expected it to vanish right away. I don’t yet know how well this blend will be able to wake me up. It’ll be tested tonight.
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Yesterday i watched another Alice in Wonderland movie, this time the Tim Burton one. Or i might as well say “the good one”. In this movie there were only a few lines out of place, in general the whole thing was as awesome as it can get. Especially the Cheshire cat. I don’t know why, but the whole character, with it’s mad grin, way of talking and popping up at random places feels so familiar (chances are, from the legendary hungarian movie Cat City). The story is original for the latter half, gives the original a bit of a Jeanne d’Arc touch, and it works out well. The madness of certain (all) characters fits in with the whole environment, though the movie uses it for humor very sparingly–there could’ve been lots more of puns–though i don’t know if that’s a problem at all. Good movie, as expected from Tim Burton.
Winter is coming
It really is. Just a few days ago, all day the sky was full of lead grey clouds and so cold i wouldn’t have been surprised if it started snowing. It didn’t. Then yesterday evening i had to put on my leather jacket against the wind and the cold, and now i’ve to wear the nice warm hoodie i got from threadless, because even with my heater on under the desk, it’s cold. Sure, i always have my window open (partly because the ceiling is so low that if i closed the window i’d always feel there isn’t enough air, but just now i closed the kitchen window because though my computer and the heater warm the room somewhat, the kitchen would be freezing by morning.
So i should start looking for dead direwolves lying on the lakeside, because winter is coming.
Ubuntu’s Unity, revisited
Now that the first waves of rage calmed down and i’ve been using Unity for a few days, it doesn’t seem that horrible anymore. I managed to tweak many stuff to my liking, and many still await, but now i can at least get stuff done without constantly being held up by the clumsy interface.There are stuff that disturb me still though.
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