Tag: english

Now’s the time

It’s my first exam today on economic risk, and this is one of the rare times when i could use a slate. We are free to use whatever resources we can on the exam, papers, notes, electronic dictionary, whatever. I was gathering such resources today mostly on Wikipedia and it’s a huge amount. Way too much to print, especially considering that i’d probably never use those papers again, but still i’d need some reference. That’s where a good slate would come in.

Although, roughly 30 open browser tabs could possibly cause problems there as well… Whatever, i don’t have a slate (and except for the current situation, i don’t have problems with that) so i’ll just make some notes. Might also be easier to systematize after writing it down my waaay.

Every time

Every ten minutes inspiration slaps me in the face with a big stinky fish so that i want to rush to the blog admin instantly to write an über-cool post, but then as soon as i open a new browser tab, all the inspiration disappears as if it was never even there to begin with. Whatever.

We had a bit of a problem with subbing the third Digimon Xros Wars. Not really past tense, but it seems we’ll manage to get a low quality english sub out in reasonable time. The problem was that the ElitistFags raw that’s kind of the only available TS raw of the episode, was corrupted and roughly half of it is missing. So we had to work off a low quality stream found on some anime website.

Also, using my extreme high level bookkeeping skills learnt at master Inayama in the Real Life rpg, and some basic Excel (sorry, OO Calc) techniques, i managed to calculate that i don’t need a job this summer after all, i can enjoy my freedom completely.

Tomorrow’s the risk exam, but… well, i might be facing optimism bias, but we can use whatever we want from books to dictionaries and i can write in english as well, so i can’t really help feeling safe. In english i could write the required length even if i had no idea about the topic.

Starbucks Tanzania

Just finished my pack of Starbucks Tanzania, and i have an overall positive opinion of it. It’s a medium body African coffee. The freshly ground coffee has a very organic aroma, with hints of that citric freshness that’s mentioned on the packaging. However later on it’s hardly recognizable. It has something lighter coloured in it as well, i don’t know if that’s something non-coffee in the blend, or just light coloured coffee beans. Also, the steam of the freshly brewed Tanzania coffee doesn’t really have any distinguishable flavours to it, it’s just coffee, but a nice one of that.

The coffee itself tastes fresh, just as the freshly ground beans mentioned above. On the other hand, i couldn’t really find that berry flavour described as the most dominant on the packaging. But because of that nice fresh taste it’s perfect for a light summer coffee, as it doesn’t feel all that hot as one would expect from a cup of hot coffee.

Also, Tanzania is limited edition, but i’ve no idea until when it’s available. It sure was available back in 2007 once already, but i know nothing more about it. Out.

[OD-WPP] Digimon Xros Wars episode 2 english sub

The english subtitled second episode of Digimon Xros Wars is out at OnlineDigimon. I hurried with the translation as much as possible, but with editing and encoding and all the stuff it ended up being released just today. There’s torrent and direct download available as well as a discussion thread at OnlineDigimon.

The title of the episode is “Shoutmon, roar!” (シャウトモン、吠える). It’s really worth checking out, as “ep 02” ended up quite dramatic for a second episode. Watch it and you’ll know!


I got all the relevant exam papers from the past two years today. I’ll check all of them, and of course learn from them. But more urgent than that, study for the thursday bookkeeping exam. I have to get good results… And although i feel like i get it, so did i feel the same before (and after) the previous exams as well, yet see the results…

Today we practiced for the tomorrow english speech exam. It’s going to be interesting. I don’t really care about my own grade, i mean, it’s obvious that Ia and me can pretty much chat till doomsday in english, but the others… I guess i understand the motivation of teachers to bear with the students. It feels great to help with whatever i can.

Also, we were talking about what bands to do in the autumn season, and it seems we’ll be doing a few. A Slipknot copy (with death masks and all) together with the other faculty’s people (me on vocals, so far) and probably a classic heavy metal and/or punk band with the local folk. Hope to get a guitar post there.

For the first one, i grabbed the last Slipknot album to get more familiar with their stuff, and it’s quite good. And straining to sing for sure, but fun as well. And i was reading about Dream Theater for some reason, when i came across the name of Rush again. So i got their 2112 album too. Nice classic rock.

And today i did the translation of the second episode of Digimon Xros Wars. Sub coming soon from OnlineDigimon.

[OD-WPP] Digimon Xros Wars episode 1 english sub

After a quite long while i once again ended up in a fansub team, this time translating the new Digimon series, Xros Wars. The first episode is is available for download at OnlineDigimon with english subtitles. For now 720p torrent and direct download is available, with streaming and the 1080p coming as soon as possible. Raptr and i did the translations, (a bit too) many other people did the other jobs. I really hate Nene’s Monitormon in the end with their serious speech defects (聞き取り不能). If you haven’t seen the first Digimon episode since Savers, or just need the english subs, check it out!

On Digimon

There are a few things that aren’t connected to any of the series, or rather are connected to all of them. I won’t care about spoilers, so you be careful.

I remember only fragments of the first season, Adventure… It was ages ago, watching it after school in german on RTL2. The kids were so many. Nine-ten? And they were so kids.

I guess it must’ve been hard for the writers to create a storyline where they could fit in all the characters, develop all of them well and still stay entertaining. Probably that’s why the two youngsters of Adventure come back in 02. In 02, the eight kids (counted, eight) of Adventure were made helping background appearances except for the two of them who became members of the new five person team. They were later joined by one more kid, a past enemy, going to six, the same pattern as in Frontier. In Tamers, in a totally different world, where Digimon is “just” a card game, the new team goes down to three kids, and they spend much more time in the real world, compared to the first two seasons or Frontier. In that aspect, Tamers and Savers are very similar. This number three seems to be the best one, because in Xross Wars the team is again of three kids.

Stargate SG-1

I watched all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1. It was long, but for most of the time, entertaining. I won’t go into the story much, because on the one hand it’s long, on the other, i don’t want to spoil anyone who by chance is yet to see SG-1.

During the ten seasons, i got used to the storywriting habits of the creators. There are a few types of episodes, which come up again and again. One type of course is the main story episode. Going out there to fight the evil aliens, trying to find weapons that can neutralize them, stopping rogue men in black and stuff like that, these are the episodes that don’t get boring after five seasons. The other types are fillers. SGC being attacked by some alien organism, sickness, radiation, something that they have to contain and eliminate if they don’t want to risk the planet (any more). Someone disappearing mysteriously, into another dimension or phase shifting, and they have to figure out how to reverse the effect. Time travel and time paradoxes, on which i simply don’t want to waste words. Offworld missions, where the team or a member is caught by the native residents and they have to free the prisoners. The team being caught up in a war, revolution, rebellion, political dispute or something along these lines, and they have to survive. Stargate travel causing some unexpected catastrophic effects, which they have to neutralize. And a few more. Even if written down like this they seem many, over 200+ episodes it gets quite repetitive after a while.

Digimon Frontier

Today in my lunch break i watched the last episode of Digimon Frontier, the fourth season in the saga of digital monsters. Although i was more or less familiar with the story, the characters and everything else from the time i was running Digimon Backup, i hadn’t watched the series itself until this week. Not so long ago i watched Digimon Savers, the fifth season, after that i simply had to watch Frontier too.

Frontier first aired eight years ago, in 2002, and for a painfully long time (until Savers came out in 2006) it was the last. I still recall how everyone was mourning Digimon already, with only a few fansites harboring some hope… (Go TK!)

Frontier was very different from the previous seasons in that the kid heroes didn’t have digimon companions—they themselves turned into digimon. They are invited to the Digital World by Ophanimon, for no less goal than to save it of course. It turns out this is once again a different DigiWorld from the previous series: this one is a planet with three moons, and lots of rails from Trailmons.

Since the creators of the series cut the digimon partners, the focus is much more on the interactions of the kids themselves. The only digimon accompanying them are Bokomon and Neemon, two ditzy digimon who are more of a source of comic relief than of any actual help to the characters.

The graphics are of course good, and the hybrid digivolutions are simply awesome. The character designs, dialogs and filler stories are oriented at the elementary school student audience, which is also often made fun of by Arbormon. (Wash your hands before eating!) It was also interesting when i realised that Takuya, the fiery leader boy has the same voice actor as Naruto.

Frontier is not the best Digimon series, but still it’s good. Check it out, if you’re over 15, for nostalgia, if you’re younger than that, then for many hours of true and exciting entertainment.


I have a few meals that i really have to consider trying to make.

One group are potato based food. I hate potatoes. I mean, i like it when it’s ready and cooked, fried or whatever. But to clean it, cut it, cook it, now that’s out of my league. I simply don’t have neither the patience nor the skin to clean and prepare them.

The other is pancakes. It’s just a nightmare. I don’t know if it’s some japanese specialty or whatever, but the flour here turns into nice small balls upon contact with any liquid (in this case milk and egg), and the inside of the balls is dry flour. And it’s really difficult to destroy them permanently, occasionally resulting in raw flour bubbles in the ready pancake. Also, it gets messy very quickly. And it’s easy to burn. And i have the bad habit to eat more of it than i should.

Thus, qualifications for any wife candidate: be able to make fried potatoes and pancakes.