Tag: geek

Ami elveszett és ami megtaláltatott

Sajnos a kettő nem ugyanaz, bár a metszetük sem üres halmaz. Most jött megint az ihlet, írtam is volna a megszokott kis szöveges file-ba az emlékeztetőt, hogy még milyen podcastet kell majd feltétlen csinálni, ha egyszer kész lesz a blog, amikor feltűnt, hogy nincs ott az a file. Valakinek talán még rémlik, hogy a múltkor egy alsóbb szinten elsütött rm -r belefutott a dokumentumok mappámba és i betűig mindent kitörölt. Sajnos láthatóan ennek a file-nak a neve csak “cast” volt és nem “podcast”, úgyhogy ő is áldozatul esett – ami viszont akkor nem tűnt föl. Most meg, miután ki tudja hány képet, dokumentumot, satöbbit írtam-mentettem, már csak reménykedtem, hogy vissza tudom állítani. Linux alól az ntfsundelete és a TestDisk programokat próbáltam, de hiába hogy a majd’ fél éve törölt mp3-ak még ott leskelődnek az asvára és bajtársaikra várva, ez a pár kilobájtnyi drága adat elveszett. Windows alól (szigorúan csökkentett módban, máshogy el se indul igazán) a GetDataBacket próbáltam, szintén sikertelenül. Fel kell hát adnom, és próbálom majd emlékezetből visszaépíteni a file-t, jelen esetben legalább egy másolattal Wendy-n.

A fenébe.

Ja, ami meglett, az meg a svájci bicskám, amit nagyon hiányoltam, mert költözéskor sikeresen a nyugati aprópénzes zacskóba dugtam, és nem jutott eddig eszembe ott keresni. Ennek azért örülök.

A droidok

És most nem a Firefox klasszikus about:robots oldaláról és/vagy világhíres sci-fi filmekből is ismert “Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!” parancsról van szó. Csak a fejlesztőkről. Egy pár napja akadtam egy tényleg apró és valószínűleg jelentéktelen hibába az iGoogle időjárásos paneljának apijában, amit terveztem jelezni a fejlesztők felé. Csak az a probléma, hogy mint a linuxszal kapcsolatban korábban is tapasztaltam, a nagy nyíltság addig terjed, amíg az ember könnyebben ír C-ben programot, mint kommunikál más emberi lényekkel az (elvileg) anyanyelvén, és tagja minden lehetséges levelezőcsoportnak. Namost egy dátumkijelzési hiba kedvéért én eddig lehet, nem mennék el. Úgyhogy hiába áldoztam rá majd’ egy órát, hogy megtaláljam a releváns helyet az ilyen bejelentésekre, mert azért feltételezhető, hogy egy publikus programban a hibák egy (jó) részét a hétköznapi felhasználók és nem a fentebb említett fejlesztői gárda fedezi fel, így talán van bejelentőoldal, de nincs. Végül a legjobbnak tűnő segítségnyújtós fórumon szántam rá egy bejegyzést, mire egy minden bizonnyal magát végtelenül segítőkésznek érző személy küldött két linket, az egyik ugyanarra a fórumra, a másik pedig a fentebb említett levlistákra, hogy ott jelezzem. Mondom, itt vagyok, jelzem.

A gond itt igazából az, hogy az internetes kommunikációban általában két esély van: vagy végtelenül udvariasan, vagy a legalpáribb stílusban közlik veled, hogy hülye vagy, mert rossz helyen, rosszat vagy rosszul kérdeztél. Annyival jobban is lehetne ezt. No offense.


Ma eljött az ideje, hogy végetérjen a Firefox uralma az életemben. Hogy a Windows milyen sorsra fog jutni, azt egyelőre nem tudom, a továbbiakban leírom, miért. Ugye egy ideje átültem linuxra, és mivel itt csak kábeles netet használok, még ha nincs is vezeték nélküli kapcsolatom se gond. Annyira, hogy emiatt maradjak Windows alatt, ami hibernálásból is három-négyszer lassabban áll föl, mint az Ubuntu üresből. És nem csak a rendszer – mostanában minden nagyon lassú kezdett lenni. Mert még ha rajzolgatok (belegondolva a Fireworks hiányozna) az ezerszer kétezres standard lapon, megértem, hogy belassul egy cseppet a nyolcadik-kilencedik layernél, de itt nem erről volt szó.

The disappearance of…

A mistaken rm -r and so disappeared half of my documents folder. Luckily i had lots of junk in the early letters, so only my backups and received files (folder name also started with “b”) are gone—and probably a bunch of files i will never miss (now i recall, probably all my never-used Photoshop brushes as well, but i have the raw downloads of those). So now my first way is to the phpMyAdmin of valerauko.net and backup my database. I really wouldn’t like it if my blog contents disappeared just how they already did once three years ago.

Also, tomorrow i’m going to “disappear” in the morning, because we’re heading for Tokyo. We, meaning a bunch of us living around this region west of the Biwa lake, Gifu, Nagoya, Hikone… The EEM provides me the cheap methods for travel, though of course it won’t be nowhere as fast as going by shinkansen.

My linux is complete as well. The only thing left is to change the minor details of appearance, such as menu font size and the like, to my tastes. The defaults are a bit too big, taking up too much of the not-so-big laptop screen. I started using all four desktop workplaces as well, the first being for browsing and such, the second for instant messengers, the third always has a sudo’d terminal open fullscreen and the torrent client is running in the fourth. I really will be going under Windows only for playing and browser testing.


This afternoon my internet provider managed to scare me pretty well. I was trying various benefits of the linux environment (ssh and stuff), when suddenly i was no longer able to access valerauko.net—nor any of the other websites that share the same ip address. After asking around if it’s accessible for others and checking Google Translate (it works server-side, thus even if an address is blocked from me, i can “translate” it and see the contents–true it doesn’t really work with logins), i had to realize that the university router apparently blocked my website for no reason. (At least not one i could figure.) For a while, i didn’t bother, just looked for a web ftp, because i wanted to quickly fix a layout bug in the blog. But i forgot my ftp pass. So i installed Wine, and tried connecting with Total Commander. It didn’t work. Then i extracted my pass from the Total Commander ftp memory, and using that i managed to finally connect via a web ftp and fix the bug.

Then, i started working on how to actually access my own website. It became obvious that i have no control whatsoever over the router, and also there’s nothing else blocked (even though my torrent client is running non-stop for Stargate SG-1). I had to go with a proxy, but i only know one: the servers of my home university. Luckily they didn’t erase my access codes, so using that and help from Shamalt i was able to route my browser through there. Ironically, as soon as i managed to do that, out of nowhere i was able to access valerauko.net without using the proxy as well. Work for nothing. Well, at least i know how to do it, now. Had i been trying to do this from Windows, i couldn’t have, i’m sure of it.

The Lucid Lynx

Today i downloaded and installed the most recent version of Ubuntu. For those unfamiliar with the word, Ubuntu is the linux distribution often labelled as the one easiest to use. Probably it’s right, but still linux is linux. Here you have to sudo to install the mp3 codecs, in exchange you don’t have to worry about security. I still recall how long i looked for a usable firewall for linux, but then rather gave up… I hope the university router will protect me for most of the time now. Also, it only takes typing in the search box to find and install most programs i’d ever want to use–in case they weren’t preinstalled (examples of such: Mozilla’s Thunderbird mailing client, Pidgin, VLC, GIMP, Azureus (still not used to calling it Vuze), SciTE, the Apache server and PHP for it, just to name the most important).

Thus from now on i’ll be mostly hanging on linux instead of Windows. I say “most of the time”, because as you can guess, i’ll still be going under Microsoft’s oft-cursed operating system to edit images (Fireworks) and to play (Warcraft). And, to test my designs on Windows browsers as well (couldn’t find Safari for linux, though i’m not surprised, it’s the Internet Explorer of the next generation).

I’m really happy with this system for now, though there are a bunch of stuff i’ll have to tweak for my own taste–as expected. My drives, although mounted, do not show up in “Computer”, for one, no volume control icon, for two, and i’ll write a quick script with which i’ll be able to ping last.fm about my listening to an internet radio. They don’t support that by default, so i’ll be doing it manually. It’ll be interesting to do shell scripting again, after more than a year…

Also, lynxes and big cats of their kind are simply cool. And this one’s lucid too.

The geek

Tomorrow the new Ubuntu LTS will be released. It’s at L already, this release is called, or will be called, or whatever, Lucid Lynx. (I still remember how “funny” it was when i asked my english teacher at the exam preparation class what the “dapper” of Dapper Drake means… no idea why, though.) I can’t wait to try it out. My laptop is quite old, and it’s really funny how everyone’s surprised that i’m still using XP. At first i didn’t get what’s the problem with it, then i realised that XP was released a decade ago… True, but. In my eyes Vista doesn’t count as an operating system, and i just don’t like the way 7 looks, so i had no temptation to try it out. Also, i tweaked my XP quite well. But truth is, it’s getting slow. Although with Ubuntu i’m confident my machine will still be sufficiently fast, i can foresee the purchase of a new laptop this year. The only problem is i either have to buy it online or when i go home, because i have no intentions to suffer with a japanese language os. Nor their keyboard layout (it’s a nightmare). I will get a laptop, neither a desktop or a netbook, because laptops have what i need: mobility, decent screen size and basic gaming capabilities (i will play StarCraft 2 for sure, if nothing else until WarCraft 4).

On virtual networks

Last time i was playing around with wireless networks, trying to set up a mesh, which is apparently still in a very geeky level of development—meaning it works if you are a linux nerd and can and want to hack your way all down to the kernel, but even then it might be buggy. Now, on Windows that’s obviously not as easy as on linux, as there is no make to change the problem lines. Also, the mesh thing would need to be implemented easily and quickly, possibly natively, which is out of question for now. Or at least if Windows could (simply) set up an ad-hoc network without having to share an internet connection… On the other hand, since we’re moving out of the dorm, and will be spread all over Japan, it’s a natural question how to continue playing together. Using a server would be an option, but that wouldn’t give the other lan options of file sharing, and would probably work with one or two games only. The other option is to set up a virtual network. And i honestly tell everyone, it’s a pain in the ass to find one that knows exactly what i expect of it. That is, to handle networks just like Hamachi does, but without the 16 client limit, for free. Today i took my time and checked out “a few”: Leaf Networks, LAN on Internet, NeoRouter, OpenVPN, Remobo, tinc and Wippien. And naturally i’ve been using Hamachi for over a year now.


Could anyone enlighten me, why is “reviving” old topics forbidden on so many forums? I can’t see any problem with contributing to topics, especially where it’s requested, even if the last post was half a year ago. Is that some kind of stupid attempt to increase the number of topics or what?

I never cared about those kind of rules and if some hyper moderator hadn’t locked the topic earlier, i posted even after years of silence. Call me a necromancer, it’s one of my favourite undead units in Warcraft. Of course if i was aware of that rule, which i rarely am, since even if i go to a forum, which hardly happened in the past couple of years, and even then i usually register for the sake of making a few contribution to good topics, and then even less do i care about reviving or whatever.

It must be of some kind of misconception, that there is such a thing as “dead topic”. A topic can’t be dead. Just by considering what that word means, it’s clear that opening a new thread for the same discussion, in other words the same topic, is simply pointless. Of course it’s another thing if the old topic was spammed or flamed to pieces, or it’s simply useless. That’s the mods’ job to lock or clean up. Not mine to care about.

Of course this post was inspired by a recent experience, when i dared to try to contribute to a topic about DotA hero responses. (The “hero attack” response of Sven, the Rouge Knight is “ash nazg gimbatul”, which is from the inscription of the One Ring of Sauron, meaning “one ring to find them”.)

Wireless mesh

I wanted to set up a wireless mesh network here in the dorm so that we wouldn’t have to gather in a room to play lan games. Setting up a wireless network without a router is a pain in itself with Windows, because apparently, and correct me if i’m wrong, you have to enable internet connection sharing (ics) to get an ad-hoc wireless network to work. The reason, i figure, is that there needs to be a host to organize the network. The problem with that is, that if that host computer is not there, the network falls apart. And in a situation when we can’t know who will join the game, that is not acceptable. Also, in the case of Warcraft 3, according to my experience, only the host computer can create game, though i have no idea about the reason for that.

Thus i set out to look for a method to set up a mesh network, but i had to realise it’s hopeless. Finding unstable and buggy mesh organizer software was hard enough in itself, and after that i’d still have to get everyone to install and configure it, a program that might or might not work at all. So, the choices remaining gathering and/or setting up an “ad-hoc” network.

Just in case someone interested, there is a Microsoft wireless mesh project, although it doesn’t work for me throwing errors i can’t do anything about, and also olsr, which seems pretty nice, but i’m still testing, so can’t say anything about it.

Let me know if i’m wrong in any points above.