I’ve kinda reached a state of zen regarding KanColle. A troubled zen, I must admit, but still. It can’t upset me anymore with a few lucky crits and not being able to land the final hit on a boss is just a minor frustration. But the bullshit it just pulled on me was something I’ve never seen before.
Nyár óta “dolgozunk” egy projekten egy japán barátommal. Ő nagyon lelkes, és nagyon nem ért hozzá. Engem ugyan érdekel, de tizennégy órás munkanapok mellett van jobb dolgom is a szabadidőmben, mint PHP-ban tízezer sorokat írni.
People don’t like ads, yet they keep the online world rolling. Showing ads is pretty much the only source of income for free social networks. I don’t know how it works on facebook, since I don’t ever use that on my phone and on my computers everything is adblocked, but twitter has promoted tweets showing up every now and then. At this point I turned off adblock on twitter, because some of those ads are actually interesting.
For example I found the cloud host the blog is running on through such a promotion, and promo codes are still paying for it as well. While there is also the occasional irrelevant promo, those can be just dismissed, and judging from how they tend not to show up again, I guess the site learns what I care about. Which is good.
Ads like this, I don’t mind.
Today one of my co-workers called in a sysadmin. I noticed that for a good while now he’s been running “cure my PC” kind of “anti-malware” software on a daily basis. You know, the kind that does more harm than good.
There’s one time when using linux takes its toll: when I’m installing Aegisub. Today I wanted to use said application, but apparently some upgrade in the past few years since I wasn’t using it broke it, and I had to rebuild. Well…
Little Brother
It’s been a while since I read Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother (and I definitely recommend it), and I didn’t really care about the whole wiretapping thing either. I was just the average, crypto-apathetic user, who didn’t bother struggling, since “I’ve got nothing to hide” and “that’s how it rolls.”
Weird spam
The past few days the blog’s been bombarded by really weird spam. Weird in that I honestly can’t figure out what’s the point. Normally spam links to some shady webshop, be that link in the comment body or hidden in the author’s link.
A VPS, again
Just this morning I got a promo tweet telling me about SSD cloud hosting for $5 a month. Not that I’d need a cloud host VPS to run a low-traffic WP blog, but I like occasionally having fun with lower-level stuff, and als— wait what? It costs less than my current shared plan?
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