Once upon a time I made a Python script that posts the music playing in Banshee (Ubuntu) on Twitter. Times have changed and now I use Clementine to listen to music, furthermore I jumped the Mastodon bandwagon too, so I wanted my script to toot too, not just tweet.
There was this one problem I just couldn’t tackle until now while coding my KC helper app: packets kept getting messed up. The whole design is based on opening a general-purpose socket with Python, and listening to all traffic to and from the KC game server. I based my code on a sniffer script I found on the net, tweaking it to my needs.
KanColle Bridge 0.7
KanColle Bridge is a smart little Python app for your Ubuntu that can help you with a bunch of stuff related to your beloved shipdaughters. Work in progress.
GTK3 red to green progress bar in Python
I really needed a progress bar that changes from red to green as it progresses. Well, I made one. Though it doesn’t support labels as the built-in GTK ProgressBar, one can easily be added next to the bar, or (if it’s static) in a tooltip. Also, not removing self.bar would result in an actual red-to-green gradient, instead of a color-changing bar. (Though it should still be removed when the bar is reset.)
Reordering elements in a GTK Menu
Recently I’ve had the pleasure to play around with GTK from Python while working on a (by now not so) little app for KanColle. (Since that last update on github I’ve rewritten the whole thing from scratch, but that’s not the point now.) On the way, I encountered a quite annoying problem: the reorder_child method for gtk.Menu just doesn’t work. I use Python 2.7, gtk.gtk_version says that’s 2.24.20, and gtk.pygtk_version is 2.24.0.
#nowplaying button for the Ubuntu sound menu
Every now and then I get this urge to just post a #nowplaying tweet, and at such a time it’s always such a drag to type it in manually. So I thought I’d make a menu item in the Ubuntu sound menu that sends such a tweet automatically. It turned out not to be all so easy at all…
Python dict lambda mapping fun
Just now I had to insert a certain dictionary variable into a database, and i wanted to use sqlite’s named placeholder scheme to make things simple.
self.cur.executemany('insert into mytable(id, name, field1, field2) values(:id, :name, :foo, :bar)',data)
Now the problem was that this dict called data didn’t have keys “foo” and “bar”: {'id': 1, 'name': u'name', 'keys': [1, 2]}
I’d need to map this into the shape of {'id': 1, 'name': u'name', 'foo':1, 'bar':2}
to use in the database query. Also, i wanted to keep the whole thing in a single command for reasons unknown. In the end, I came up with the following: map(lambda y: y.update({'foo':y['keys'][0], 'bar':y.pop(u'keys')[1]}) or y, data)
This did the trick. What it does: updates y with the ‘foo’ key as needed, then adds the ‘bar’ key as well, while popping off the unnecessary ‘keys’ key. The “or y” needs to be there, because dict.update returns None, not the dict object.
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