Tag: sorozat

Stargate SG-1

I watched all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1. It was long, but for most of the time, entertaining. I won’t go into the story much, because on the one hand it’s long, on the other, i don’t want to spoil anyone who by chance is yet to see SG-1.

During the ten seasons, i got used to the storywriting habits of the creators. There are a few types of episodes, which come up again and again. One type of course is the main story episode. Going out there to fight the evil aliens, trying to find weapons that can neutralize them, stopping rogue men in black and stuff like that, these are the episodes that don’t get boring after five seasons. The other types are fillers. SGC being attacked by some alien organism, sickness, radiation, something that they have to contain and eliminate if they don’t want to risk the planet (any more). Someone disappearing mysteriously, into another dimension or phase shifting, and they have to figure out how to reverse the effect. Time travel and time paradoxes, on which i simply don’t want to waste words. Offworld missions, where the team or a member is caught by the native residents and they have to free the prisoners. The team being caught up in a war, revolution, rebellion, political dispute or something along these lines, and they have to survive. Stargate travel causing some unexpected catastrophic effects, which they have to neutralize. And a few more. Even if written down like this they seem many, over 200+ episodes it gets quite repetitive after a while.


Yesterday i finished the first season of Hustle. It’s a british series about a group of con artists and their dirty adventures. I’m really thankful to Rado for introducing me to this series, it’s great. Even though the music of the opening credits is just as catchy and creepy as the opening of the X-Files (whenever that was on tv when i was a kid, it chased me out of the room).

The group of five specialize in long cons, tricking people and getting hundreds of grands (thousand pounds). There’s also focus on the personal side, how the con artists interact with each other and how they deal with their dilemmas.

Great series. The sixth season just aired this winter, but i’m afraid i’ll catch up quite quickly. The only thing that can hold me back is that each episode is one hour in length, and it’s not easy for me to sit down and watch something for one hour. That’s why there’s still soo many movies i want to watch…

Skins season 4

Just now beside dinner i watched the first episode of the fourth season of Skins. It was pretty harsh on me, considering that since the third season ended i only watched a few anime episodes, four seasons (and so far all of the fifth) of How i met your mother and two (third in progress) of The Big Bang Theory, which are so to say more centered around entertainment and laughing, i got unused to the brute shocks of Skins. It’s only first episode as of now, but that 45 minutes just hit the spot, same as the third season did. Actually, since as i said i got unused to it, i was waiting for someone to shout “buzzinga” and everything turns out fine and shiny. Not here… I’m really looking forward to watching the whole series.

But in the meanwhile i’ll start Firefly and pick up Samurai Champloo again, because i caught up to all my series now (to be exact, in two day i will, TBBT being the one with episodes still left), and i really got used to watching something while having lunch or dinner. This is how it goes.

The Big Bang Theory

This article is about the sitcom. For the cosmological model, see Superstring theory.


Beside How i met your mother, The Big Bang Theory is another series i’ve first (and until coming to japan, only) heard about from fellow hungarian bloggers and/or plurkies. Until about a month ago, i wasn’t watching series that much (kind of at all). But now that i don’t have time for going to club activities in daytime due to massive school duties, i guess this is the way i found subconsciously to relieve stress. And it works. I watched the second and half of the third season of How i met your mother in a month (as a comparison, the first one took about two years). And now i picked up TBBT as well. Worth it. I decided that in mealtimes, when i can’t do anything but stare out of my head and eat, i’m watching TBBT while in the evening chills after ten, HIMYM. TBBT is extreme, i’m already getting used to getting all those extreme nerdy jokes (at first a bit difficult to catch the science phrases), and i sometimes almost suffocate eating my rice because of laughter. The adventures of Leonard and Sheldon are just starting for me, but it won’t take long… (Oh, and i heard that in january the new Skins season is starting as well. Can’t wait!)

How I met your Skins

Yesterday evening i watched an episode of Skins (season 3) and a couple of the first season of How I met your mother. There were so striking similarities to a few events in my life that i couldn’t help but write them down here. (Please don’t read forth if you haven’t seen Skins s3e8 and How I met your mother s1e12-18 and don’t want to be spoiled. Please don’t read if you were playing a great role in my private life in the past time and don’t want to read about yourself.)

Skins megint és még sokszor

Érzem, hogy még lesz egy-két ilyen bejegyzés. Egyszerűen azért, mert a Skins fejbevág minden egyes résznél. Nagyon. Pláne, hogy Freddie karaktere elég nagyon rámillik. Úgyhogy most Pain – Bye/Die, és már csak egy üveg vodka kéne ahhoz, hogy azt csináljam, amit Freddie helyében tennék. Át tudom érezni, az a lényeg, bár ennyire még soha nem omlott össze körülöttem minden. Ilyenkor jó kis feszültségleadás a korlátlanság.


A plörk már csak azért is veszélyes, mert könnyen kezd el újabb és újabb sorozatokat nézni az ember. Például ott hallottam, hogy a Skinsnek lesz harmadik évada (most már van), és ugyan nem láttam az első kettőt, gondoltam belenézek. Aztán hehe meg húha.

A partikarakterek nagyon jellemzőek, sőt ismerősek – bár azért nálunk a józan ész egy kicsit bőkezűbben osztatott. Talán. (Néha azért elgondolkozok, hogy Cook (akinek amúgy milyen iszonyat poén a kiejtése!) mit hordoz a gyomra helyén, merthogy annyi szeszt aki egybe lenyel, az nem úgy sétálgat – ez sajnos nagyon tapasztalat.)

Mindezt mondom az első két rész után. De ez az a sorozat lesz, amit végig is fogok nézni. (Valahogy sokkal inkább követem az olyan sorozatokat, amikre mindig kell várni egy hetet, mint amik már készen vannak. A How I met your mother első szériáját sem fejeztem még be, pedig mióta…)

How I met your mother

You know, around the hungarian blogosphere every second blogger is addicted to at least one of the recent american series (House MD, Heroes etc), so i’m more or less familiar with many of them, the titles at least.

Every thursday we have a movie evening in the dorm and tonight we watched at first the Simpsons movie, and after that, since we had still enough time, the very first episode of the series in title, How I met your mother. Even after being exhausted in terms of jokes and laughing my ass off of the movie before, that one episode of about half an hour made me almost fall out of the chair a couple of times. I guess i was not a bit annoying to the others (though we were three altogether), since i laughed out loud on almost every joke–especially the “smurf penis” one (the others didn’t get what a smurf was at first). Seems even a theoretical bit of coffee speeds me up that much.

Since then the first season of the series is in the front of my torrent download queue, though right now not a whole one percent complete.