Tag: zene


A while back I picked up my fretless Ibanez to practice some old-school songs. Think Elvis, Cream, Stray Cats or Blue Cheer. I use the fretless even if the original wasn’t played on one, because otherwise I’d pretty much never pick it up. I still do so sadly infrequently…

So it was quite a shock that the bass’s neck was so bowed that it was unplayable (strings touching the fretboard all along). At that point I didn’t have time to learn how to fix it (by adjusting the rod inside) so I put it back into its case and kinda forgot about it.

Then today after cleaning my room I gathered the tools I needed and took it out of the case to fix it—except it was back to normal. I can only assume that the bending was caused by the ridiculous humidity and summer heat, especially during the weeks in June while I was on Denali (and so the AC in the room was off), and then it gradually returned to normal.

To celebrate I played until my fingers started to ache (which isn’t a lot of time considering how out of routine I am).

アラバキ ’24



会社の上司から前日に話を聞いてラインアップ見たら、オープニングがまさかのthe telephones!大学の軽音部で何度も先輩たちの演奏で見て以後も愛聴しているバンドだったが、なかなかライブで見る機会は合わなかったのでなんだかんだお初ライブでみた。当たり前だけど最高だった。

ただイベント自体は最悪な体験だった。チケット受取もそしてどこの会場も混みすぎて快適と全く言えなかった。楽しみにしてたElephant Gymは満員で入場規制がかかって結局見れずじまい。そのあとthe band apartと例のじょしらくMADで知って好きになったRegaを見て帰った。トリのART-SCHOOLも見るか悩んだけど、行列に並ぶのもういい加減疲れたので諦めた。



My new gear

Earlier Reol announced that No title- will get a vinyl release. I love that album, so I ended up preordering it before realizing that I don’t actually have a record player. Well, that changed now.

And while I was at it, I also got a few old Japanese jazz fusion records from Disk Union and Thy Catafalque’s Rengeteg too.


I was looking at Reol’s tour dates when I found a surprising entry: the Arabaki Rock Festival, end of April. It was surprising because fests like that are usually in the middle of summer (see Summer Sonic or Rock in Japan) and this one, well, definitely isn’t. At first I wasn’t all that interested, since it’s held near Sendai which is quite a distance from Tokyo to go for a Reol show, but then I looked at the lineup and changed my mind.


LUPINUSで逃してしまったWisteriaが俺にとってのメインだったが、ちゃんと最後まで楽しめるライブが渋谷THE GAMEで開催された。



大学の軽音部で何回かMad Capsule Marketsのコピバンが見れてかなり好きな音楽になった。AA=がその後継として(語弊)存在してることは数年前に知った。そしてやっとライブで本家が見れた。山嵐のツアーの最後のステージでAA=が出るという豪華な組み合わせはさすがに逃しません。


最近発見したバンドのEarthists.を見たかったので渋谷のMARUDASHI CARNIVALいってきた。Earthists.以外でもC-GATEなど日本のヘビーなバンドが勢ぞろい。ただこの日はかなり予定が複雑で… 朝から奥多摩で山登ってから御岳渓谷で軽くボルダリング、からのEarthists.だけ見てから一旦抜けて友だちと炙り食べてワイン飲んでの予定があって、から終電までMARUDASHIに戻った(そして終電で帰ってから近所で更に飲んでたけどそれはまた別)。

Knotfest Japan 2023

Knotfest is back! I’ve been there both times it was organized in Japan (though I only have a blog post from the 2016 event). I had to look through my photo archives to confirm I was there in 2014 too, and I was surprised to “learn” that apparently I’d seen Korn live back then… This year the plan was different.