Earlier this year I wrote about adding Grafana annotations based on Argo CD events. Since this year I actually got around testing out Flux some more, it was natural to follow up with adding some Grafana annotations based on Flux events.

Earlier this year I wrote about adding Grafana annotations based on Argo CD events. Since this year I actually got around testing out Flux some more, it was natural to follow up with adding some Grafana annotations based on Flux events.
I’ve known about Clojure multimethods of course, but I never really used them much. I didn’t really have data that I’d need polymorphism like multimethods to handle, and when I did need something like that I’d use protocols. However protocols dispatch based on class, so when I faced the problem of handling ActivityPub objects that are all maps, it was time for defmulti
to save the day.
The first time I ran into “structured logging” was way, way back when I first started working on kitsune. Back then I went with the approach of using a Logback Formatter (the JacksonJsonFormatter) to log Clojure maps as JSON. This was nice because I didn’t have to do anything to “transform” the logs further, but had the quite significant downside that logs weren’t really human readable anymore. This plus that that log processors like Loki and CloudWatch can easily parse huge amounts of “traditional” text logs made me pretty much forget about structured logging until recently.
That is until in a thread on the clojurians slack about logging someone mentioned mulog, a structured logging library that caught my attention. I guess maybe from a traditional Clojure background it would’ve been natural to end up with taoensso/timbre at this point, but I never did that bit (though I do have it as an indirect dependency).
Unlike Argo, Flux has no built-in UI. CD tools should be invisible most of the time, just quietly running in the back, getting changes in the cluster. This is fine for “most of the time” when there are no changes to the applications I’m making myself or the cluster itself. It can just look at the various helm charts and other (git) sources and deploying the changes as configured. It’s nice that I can be sure that my cluster has the latest possible versions of everything running within 10-15 minutes of release (depending on the Flux interval
configured) without ever touching kubectl
When I read about the system versioned (and bitemporal) tables in MariaDB, I was both surprised and delighted. This kind of data versioning is thought of as standard in the “immutable” databases that are big in Clojureland, such as Datomic and XTDB. On the other hand, these databases in Clojureland are usually EAVT based and not the “usual” relational kind. After a little thinking I could think of a bunch of really tricky issues that could arise from system versioning (eg having a by-default immutable log of all changes to some piece of data) in a relational context. The first being foreign keys.
If you create a foreign key in MariaDB without any further specifiers, it assumes ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT
, meaning no referenced key could be changed and no referenced row could be deleted. Just consider this: if there’s a row in some table referencing a row in another, system versioned table, can the row in the system versioned “parent” table be deleted? After all the referenced version of the row will still exist… Or in a similar scenario if the “child” row is system versioned and updated to now reference a different row, will both of those referenced rows be RESTRICT
ed? After all, both referencing rows will still exist… Of course I had to try.
Ever since I first ran into the Metosin libraries, I’ve been using many of them. One of the most known and used of those is probably reitit, a routing library that can be used both on the server and in the browser. Recently I’ve had more opportunities using ClojureScript in the browser, and I noticed something that was confusing for a few moments.
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