Author: valerauko

PDF export with the Ruby 3.0.3 docker image

You might happen to use the wicked_pdf gem for PDF output in your Rails app. You might happen to use the wkhtmltopdf-binary gem to provide the required binaries. You might want to get the above to work on the latest (at this point 3.0.3-bullseye) Ruby docker image. Short answer: give up. A bit longer answer: it’s easier than you think.

Patching delayed_job for Ruby 3

Monkey patching is bad. That’s where you should start from. It can cause trouble where you’d least expect it, conflicts with libraries you’d least expect in ways you’d least expect. And yet here I am sharing code for patching the delayed_job gem to (more or less) work with Ruby 3. Doesn’t this violate my own policies? There are a few choices.

  1. give up upgrading to Ruby 3 altogether
  2. monkey patch delayed_job as an emergency fix and make time to figure out what to do
  3. contribute to delayed_job making sure the gem is solid on Ruby 3
  4. get rid of all the .delay calls and switch to another async job library



brown wooden pathway on green grass field near brown rocky mountain under white clouds during daytime





Stuff that broke in Rails 6.1

Rails uses a “shifted” “semantic” “versioning” which pretty much comes down to the following. Major version: “we’ll most definitely break everything you ever depended on, half of them without warning.” Minor version: “we’ll probably break many stuff you depend on, some of them without warning.” Patch version: “we might accidentally some core APIs, but we promise it’s not intentional (or documented).” Knowing that, I still embarked on the grand endeavor of upgrading from Ruby on Rails to What could possibly go wrong, right?

Railway tracks are suspended above the washed out Tank Hill underpass of the Trans Canada Highway 1 after devastating rain storms caused flooding and landslides, northeast of Lytton, British Columbia, Canada November 17, 2021. B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure/Handout via REUTERS
Rails in Canada and on Ruby share (un)surprising similarities (source)





Elmúlt érák homályába tűnő fiatalkoromban alkalmanként feltűnt “a Tereskova”. Nem az énekesnő maga persze, hanem az ő Unikum című dala, aminek kórusa hogy “unikum, sör, rum, kevert / nem értem miért vagyok reggel levert”. Kalandvágyó (bár altert részemről alig hallgató) fiatalként felmerült, hogy ezt a szettet Tereskova néven fogyasszuk. Tekintve, hogy három feles és egy sör azért már nem marad nyom nélkül, gyakran ugyan nem.

De elég a múltba tekintésből, vár a jövő! Szeretném előterjeszteni a Tereskova testvér-szettjét, a Korpiklaanit. Ugyan a Tereskova az énekesnő egy számában bukkan fel, a Korpiklaaninak italonként van egy-egy száma (így persze elvileg a sorrend tetszőleges). Maga a kombó: Jager, sör, tequila, vodka.

Háttér: a minap futás közben dobta be a Spotify a Tequila című számukat. A Vodka és a Beer Beer már megvolt régebbről, és miután hazaértem, a tecsőn fedeztem fel, hogy van a Jagerről is daluk. Itt jött az ihlet. Mellesleg a decemberi ecuadori expedícióra készülve most egy hónapig alkoholmentesen élek, úgyhogy tesztelni még nem tudtam. Gyanítom üt akkorát, mint egy Tereskova.

Lábjegyzet: a videókat csak a zene kedvéért, nem kell utánozni. Jagert üvegből inni vagy tequilát magadnak párolni nem feltétlen életbiztosítás…

OpenTTD revisited

OpenTTD is the open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It’s an amazingly addictive time sink that you absolutely should not start playing unless you’re ready to come to half a day later realizing it’s 5am and you haven’t gotten any sleep yet. It’s fun just playing around too, but things get real when you set a goal like “connect every primary industry.” I haven’t played against AI or people, but I’m not that interested in that either just yet. This is actually my second time playing—I spent insane amounts of time on the game during university (too).

A junction that ended up way more complicated than intended

Homeworld 2 (remastered)

I had fond memories of Homeworld 2 from my childhood. Mostly along the lines of “it was pretty,” but fond nonetheless. (I must’ve not played the campaign then…) The remastered edition lived up to my expectations regarding the visuals. The various colorful areas of space with occasional clouds of dust and massive runs of massive things, with my massive (though tiny in comparison) Mothership cruising comfortably are a rich source of pretty screenshots.

My tents

The first time I spent nights in the mountains was back in 2018, when I hiked from Mt Kobushi all the way to Mt Mizugaki. At that point I was staying in mountain huts, so I didn’t need a sleeping bag or mat. I think my first time sleeping in a tent in the wild was actually in the foothills of Elbrus in 2019 (not counting sleeping in a tent during summer festivals back in Hungary). Then it was even later, the summer of 2020 that I first stayed in my own tent during a multi-day trip. It was soon after that I actually hiked up a mountain, Mt Kai-koma to stay in a tent at altitude.