Author: valerauko


A few years back, when I think it was still only being crowdfunded, I got myself a pair of the Norlan whisky glasses. I cracked one sometime later and lost the other one to a fall from the countertop last week. By sheer coincidence though, last fall I clicked on their email about their steel tumbler, which is about the same shape as the glass glasses were, except steel. Meaning hopefully I won’t be able to break it. It also arrived just in time (literally the day after I broke the second glass). Cheers.

Casually back climbing

Nowadays I mostly go indoor climbing to a gym in Ogikubo. It’s about 20 minutes by bicycle, which is usually not a problem, except today the promised cold weather hit with subzero temperatures. So that I don’t freeze on my ride, I put on the headband head warmer thing I got when I had dreds (so it hadn’t had much of a role in the past decade) and some fuzzy gloves.

The climbing itself went about as well as expected. I managed to send a new 5Q, and as one of the walls were rebuilt just today, I also managed to snatch the first send on some of the easier routes. I didn’t have enough strength left in me to clear the last two 6Qs, so instead I was doing rounds on easier routes I’d sent before. As a result I managed to shred both my pinky fingers (that hasn’t happened in a good while), but some tape solves that.

Művészet télen

Három kiállításra jutottam el a mostani hazautam során. A pécsi Csontváry múzeumot és a Szépművészetiben az El Greco és az absztrakt kiállítást.

Kezdem azzal, hogy a Csontváry abszolút nem fogott meg. Egyszerűen primitívnek éreztem, pár kivétellel (mint például az almát hámozó öregasszony), de a kivételek sem jutottak messzire. Végig az járt az eszemben, hogy a Shin-Hotaka felvonó folyosóira kiakasztott, 12-14 éves iskolások festette tájképek ugyanez ha nem jobb színvonal.

Az El Greco kiállításon legalább átéreztem, hogy miért akkora durranás. Mindig érdekes belegondolni, hogy a reneszánsz művészei mekkora ugrás voltak a megelőző ezer év stagnálásához képest. Személy szerint a Szeplőtelen Fogantatás két változata ragadt meg. Főleg a Mária lába alatt és a kép felső részén tömörülő morbid baba-angyal fejek, de igazából az egész kép ugyanazt a benyomást tette, mint az Evangelion vad vallásos ikonográfiája. Ugyanaz a nyomasztó hatás, mint a tavaly mémmé vált “bibliailag hiteles” angyalok.

Az absztrakt festészet iránt Vonnegut Kékszakáll című könyve keltette fel az érdeklődésemet. Aztán valamikor az egyetem alatt láttam a kurashiki Ohara múzeumban egy absztrakt gyűjteményt, és azóta lóg is onnan egy másolat a falamon (ablakomon, részletek). Ugyan a Szépművészeti kiállításának Hantai Simon művei álltak a középpontjában, bennem mégis az hagyta a legnagyobb nyomot, hogy az egyik sarokban eldugva egyszer csak szembe jött egy Pollock. Nagyon sok jó kép volt, reménykedtem is, hogy talán árulnak valamelyikből replikákat, de sajnos be kellett végül érnem egy hűtőmágnessel.

A year of things not working out

Including working out. If only I was joking.

a foggy forest with trees on a hill

Supercharged OAuth scopes with reitit

You might be familiar with OAuth scopes from for example the Github dialog for creating a new access token. You get to choose what the token is authorized to do: can the user manage repos? Leave reviews? Push commits? There are a ton of options. Similarly Mastodon has scopes such as “see favorites” or “post on your behalf.”

padlock on black metal fence

Redis sorted sets are cool

I first saw Redis sorted sets in action reading Mastodon’s source code. Sorted sets are used to store feeds (ignore that ZREVRANGEBYSCORE is deprecated). In a use-case such as Mastodon feeds (timelines), sorted sets come handy because you can “just” add new elements and Redis will take care of the sorting.

variety of fruits displayed on wooden shelf

Configuring MPV

I used VLC for a very long time. No longer. The other day I was watching something and I noticed how dull the colors were. It did fit the theme of the video though so I just assumed that it was a thing, except then I ran into a very colorful screenshot from the same video. What gives? In 2011, when fansubbing was huge, 10bit was the “new big thing.” It encodes colors into 10 bits into the standard 8, which results in much better colors. At least it should, as it seems VLC wasn’t able to handle that.

Example of 10bit difference

Server-side rendering a ClojureScript app with Deno


Frontend/backend shared routing with reitit

Commonly frontend and backend are separate beasts. Backend written in Ruby using Rails for example, its routing written in its own DSL. Frontend written in TypeScript using Vue.js for example, its routing written in its own DSL. Of course the frontend will call some backend endpoints, so it should definitely know about those backend endpoints too, while there may be some frontend “paths” that don’t correspond to any single API endpoint, yet you might want to generate absolute URLs for those pages on the backend. This results in a nasty mess and duplication of routing and adjacent logic.

asphalt road between trees

Elasticsearch aggregation to find most popular tags over time

Finding popular keywords or tags is what twitter’s trends are (other than a means to manipulate public opinion and introduce artificial trends by paying good cash). While I think having a “trends” feature tends to introduce more problems than the value it provides for discovery, I wanted to figure out how I’d do it before deciding not to.