Starbucks Christmas blend 2010

Today i went to buy coffee and got a package of the House blend, but as a gift i got a tiny pack of this year’s Christmas blend as well, worth about two cups. I just made the first one.

It smells Christmas. I don’t mean the pine tree, but the warm cozy feeling to it with a touch of sweetness i could only compare to that of mincemeat (not the meaty one, but the very sweet fruitish one).

It’s taste is warm and bold as well, a pleasant feeling in the winter cold. Since i make it as espresso, the bitterness is guaranteed, and this is a bold coffee, which makes it just fine for my tastes.

Bootolnék ha tudnék

Azt terveztem, hogy Wendy-re telepítek egy hordozhatónak szánt, titkosított Ubuntut (elvileg az alternatív telepítője tud ilyet), a laptopot pedig legyalulom és átküldök rajta egy TrueCryptet. Aztán bemásztam a laptop biosába, és láttam hogy lehet jelszót beállítani a bootoláshoz és a biosba belépéshez is. Beállítottam hát mindkettőnek, mindkettőnek ugyanazt (mivel csak egy olyan jelszavam van, ami nyolc karakterbe belefér és még használom is).

Elmentettem a beállításokat és újraindítottam. Amikor csipogott, beírtam a jelszót. Aztán néztem. Ugyanis ott virított egy szép “X”, jelezvén hogy hibás. Mondom mi a szösz. Beírtam újra, ismét. Aztán próbáltam lehetséges elgépeléseket is (bár nem hinném, hogy egymás után kétszer ugyanúgy elgépeltem volna, amikor meg kellett adni), változatlanul semmi.

Gondoltam oké, akkor üssük ki a fenébe. Belépnék a biosba, de ugyanúgy kérdezi a jelszót (mintha bootolni akarna). Természetesen a következő lépés az internet volt, utánanéztem, mi lehet alapértelmezett jelszó egy ilyen gépben, de amiket találtam, azok közül se illeszkedett egyik se.

Ha lenne egy megfelelő méretű csavarhúzóm, már persze szétszedtem volna és kikaptam volna a cmos elemét, de nincs csavarhúzóm, úgyhogy most nem igazán tudok vele mit csinálni.

Hogy teljes legyen az örömem, az Ubuntu telepítője se akarta azt csinálni, amit mondtam neki, úgyhogy feladtam.

Vuze (Azureus) vs. Transmission

Back in the old days, i was using mostly Azureus (back then it was really called Azureus) for torrents. But it was using Java, and my computer was getting slower and weaker, and with many torrents Azureus was as insane resource hog, so i switched to uTorrent. I used uTorrent all the time while i was using Windows, but there’s still no version for linux i’d want to try (a pre-alpha isn’t all about usability and stability), so i was using Vuze again. That meant that when i installed Ubuntu, my first job was to remove the default applications for chatting (i’ve been using Pidgin for years and i don’t plan to change that) and torrents.

But Vuze had problems with my connection. I’m behind an university router, so it could use NAT only occasionally, meaning that either all the torrents seared with mighty 1MB/s speeds or there was no traffic at all. And lately the latter became regular, which was especially troublesome as i had to seed certain torrents.

Then Glend mentioned that Transmission is praised as a seeder client, so i gave it a try, and indeed: where Vuze couldn’t produce any upload, Transmission was seeding without problem. And not only that: downloads work perfectly, without a glitch as well, even where Vuze was complaining about connection problems. So i decided to start using Transmission as my primary torrent client. I’ll only add a few older torrents i want to seed and start a fresh leaf.

Time to get active

It’s time that i started preparing for my “little trip” this weekend. I’ll need to clean my room, destroy all that’s left in the fridge that’d rot in three weeks’ time, and pack my stuff.

Luckily many of my classes are off this week, for example i don’t have my only japanese today, nor will i have one of the english classes tomorrow and my entire thursday afternoon will be free. This is probably totally unrelated to Christmas nearing (considering that some of my friends will be working 10 hour shifts on the Christmas days), but it comes just handy.

My financial problems are still financial problems—to be precise, my credit card is way too close to the limit to be able to support a shinkansen ticket to and a night of partying in Tokyo, but if i did that all with cash, i’d have problems after the credit card balance drains my account. No need to worry tho, it’ll turn out well. It always turns out well.

I’ll also have to figure out what to do with my laptop. I guess i’ll bring it back home, but i don’t know if i should leave it there, or bring it back with me… Considering that i’m not using it at all since i built my desktop computer, i wonder.

Iron Maiden

iron maiden denmark

I decided to write a series of posts about the bands i like, and what would be better to start with than Iron Maiden?

I don’t remember how i got to know Iron Maiden. It’s been ages, ages ago, during my first year in high school i think. That was the time when i got loads of cd’s from friends trying to enlighten my then non-existent musical world. That’s how it all started. (This story also applies to most of my top listened bands.)

Iron Maiden has always been the music, something i could listen to at any time, in any mood, and never get bored of it. It was like that when i was 13, it’s like that even now i’m 21. There are of course albums i listened more, and there are ones i listened to less, but it doesn’t make much of a difference.

沙耶の唄 (Saya no Uta)

A while ago Glend suggested that i might want to try this visual novel titled Saya no Uta.

So i did.

Saya no Uta has everything that can make something “adults only”: blood, gore, sex, violence, drama, madness. It’s interesting to read as well, so i’ve seen all three endings after reading/playing it all night yesterday (not literally all night, but from late to even later, even in my senses) and a few hours just now.

Critics might consider using words like “shocking” or “tense” and the like, or would go on for pages about how Saya no Uta (Saya’s Song) is full of deeper meanings, how it makes people wonder what the world around us might be, doubt our senses like philosophers suggested hundreds of years ago and the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

I’m not a critic. I’m just a guy who enjoyed reading/playing this visual novel.


It’s said so much nowadays that we must understand other cultures and must not try to convert them to our way of thinking, which might be just as strange and/or revolting for them, as theirs is to us.

This occurred to me today while reading FTW on the train. It’s one thing that in that given culture what is accepted, and it’s pretty much the way of thinking of the parent that decides how the kid is raised. But. For me, it’s one thing to understand, that it’s normal in India (according to the book, correct me if wrong) that parents would beat their kid for disagreeing with them and saying so. It might be normal in certain families that instead of talking with the kid about what’s the problem, you just take them out from their school and send them off to a boarding school where he won’t play games that much… Okay, that’s their way.

And i disagree with that, and i say so.

It’s scary how this thought is similar to how America’s preaching equality and liberty and the spread of the global culture, while it doesn’t even try to understand other cultures. It can go either to war with countries that it doesn’t like (see middle eastern conflicts) or let the multicorporations do the job by slowly infecting the said culture with the “global greatness”.

Oh no. I wouldn’t bother trying to convince a traditionally thinking indian parent that his way of raising the kid is wrong. For the simple reason that the understanding i try to enforce on myself itself is a product of my culture, so i can’t really expect others to think the same. Even if i tried to convince someone their way is wrong, they would be right to ask what makes me think mine’s better.

A kerekedikek

Hála Maerlynnek, jöjjenek a kerek, ‘fordulós lejátszásokől:

1: In Flames – The Quiet Place

10000: Dream Theater – The Test That Stumped Them All

20000: Rózsaszín Pitbull – Ne szívjál füvet

30000: Ayreon – Web of Lies

40000: Guns N’ Roses – Don’t damn me

50000: King’s X – Freedom

60000: Tankcsapda – Múlik

70000: Astral Projection – Nilaya

80000: Depresszió – Egy életen át

90000: Pain of Salvation – Road Salt

100000: Iron Maiden – Out of the Shadows

A rossz a rosszban

Tegnap este lefekvés előtt (miután kivégeztem (stílusosan fogalmazva) a Saya no Uta egyik befejezését) még utoljára megnéztem, hogy merre van az orosz konzulátus Oszakában, mikor van ügyfélfogadás, mennyi idő odaérni és hogy találom meg. Ezek közül egyedül a vízum-ügyintézési idő volt kellemes meglepetés, ugyanis a konzulátus weboldalán délután kettőtől négyig van hirdetve.

Fölkeltem hát reggel kényelmesen, megreggeliztem, összekészültem, majd a suliban kinyomtattam a Cory Doctorowtól a FTW-t (CC licenc rulez), persze a nyomtató nagy okosan ellenkező irányba nyomtatta a lapok két oldalát úgyhogy forgatni kell, de ez legyen a legnagyobb baj.

Persze esett az eső, de nem volt vészes, és a bolyhos hajam jól védi a fejemet tőle.

A vonatúton végig a FTW-t olvastam, és teljesen eseménytelenül megérkeztem Oszakába. Ártatlan bárány arckifejezés fel, ismét a hivatalos ár tíz százalékáért utaztam, mindegy. A metrónál aztán már jelentkeztek az első jelek, hogy ez a nap nem lesz tökéletes. Valaki ugyanis pont akkor ugrott a vonat elé, amikor én utaztam volna. De még itt se fogtam különösebben gyanút, hiszen öt percet kellett csak várni, bár az már fura volt, hogy az információs hölgyike szerint majd még Senri-Chuotól buszoznom is kell majd, amiről nem volt addig szó…

Six digits

Finally, after three years, here’s the big day (or to be precise, here was the big night), that i passed 100000 (a hundred thousand) scrobbles on Because the milestone gadgets all mysteriously disappeared from the net (or was i wrong in my impression that there was plenty of them?) so i couldn’t check in a sure automated way what was my 100000th, but just a few plays over the five zero i counted back manually and so it seems to be either Iron Maiden’s Out of the Shadows or Moongate by Samael. I wish i could know for sure…

Well anyway, considering how long it took to get this many posts, it’ll take a while until i can write such an anniversary post again. Looking forward to it tho.