I feel like shit

Yesterday coming home from the station i realized that from now on i’ll have to practice the Slipknot songs like hell. And then i realized something else as well. Deadline for bands to sign up is next tuesday, and the audition is the 14th. That’s where i got suspicious–don’t tell me the live would be when i’ll be at home.

But of course it is. I’m soo totally fucked screwed… I don’t even have an idea how much i’ll have to apologize for this. I’ve got the first mail back from the others and sure it starts nice “well there’s no helping that” but then goes into insane rage mode blaming me for not paying attention when the date was announced (i would bet a finger it was not) nor did i ask about it earlier, going as far as to suggest that i did it on intention.

I guess no helping this.

Thanks for your kind understanding in case you wanted to say something that starts with “haha you’re…”

Know happiness

Now it’s confirmed that i’ll have financial problems next year as well. Why? Let’s see…


Sat 12, Tokyo, JAPAN, Super Arena (with Bullet For My Valentine, Rise To Remain)

Sat 13, Tokyo, JAPAN, Super Arena (with Bullet For My Valentine, Rise To Remain)

Iron Maiden Official Website

And also…

special guest


Japan, 20.02.2011, Sapporo, Zepp

Japan, 22.02.2011, Sendai, Zepp

Japan, 23.02.2011, Nagoya, Zepp

Japan, 25.02.2011, Fukuoka, Zepp

Japan, 27.02.2011, Osaka, Hatch

Japan, 28.02.2011, Tokyo, Zepp

Helloween Official Website

Shall i explain any further?

Bluebird’s Illusion

I think most Fullmetal Alchemist fans have seen those images of Ed as a homonculus. It’s also no secret that this Pride Ed is from a chinese fan game called Bluebird’s Illusion—something that many longed for and hardly any have actually played.

Whenever i stumbled upon a Pride Ed picture earlier i always set off on a googling journey to find an actual playable of the game, without success—until now. Today i was googling “pride” for a 4chan cap, and i’ve seen the pic linked above. This time my search was successful.

I found a website which has downloadables of the game, screenshots and partial translations. I did get the game and it’s indeed what it claims to be.

Now i have a reason to learn chinese.

Feeling worthless

Wanted to start translating, looked around, found a translation done already, checked it out, and it’s of a grade that even my best works can’t be compared to it. Feeling worthless, disarming of this emotion still underway, without much progress.


Amit tegnap leírtam tervnek, sikerült tartani: meglettem a két fordítással, azon kívül pedig semmit nem csináltam.

A holnapi napban ugye az egyetlen nehéz pont a második óra, az a statisztikás dolog, de a minap felfedeztem, hogy a régi számológépem beépítve tudja nagyjából az összes eddigi statisztikai képletet, vagyis csak bele kell pakolni a minta számait és onnantól kb két gombnyomással lehet átlagot-szórást-mindent számoltatni. Megnyugvás.

Egyébként továbbra is tervezek fordítani, holnapra a Squid Girl első pár része és talán még egy Panty and Stocking, ha marad rá időm.

The plan for tomorrow

Wake up when the alarm first goes off. Turn it off, go back to bed.

Actually wake up when the alarm goes off for the fourth time. Toilet round. Eat breakfast, take cough medicine.

Go to school, try to perfect my skills in really falling asleep during class without missing anything important.

Come home for lunch, start new series torrents.

Go back for english classes, but this time bring something interesting to read (i’m reading Fish Story by Isaka Koutarou) so that i won’t die of boredom during the second one as usually.

Come home and after doing nothing, translate the second Star Driver and maybe the first Panty and Stocking.

Do nothing. Eat. Do nothing. Have a shower. Go to bed.


Hát ez is eljött. Szombat reggel ébredtem arra, hogy kerülget a megfázás – folyt az orrom és hasonlók. Ma aztán már köhögök is, amint az szokott lenni. Pedig én igazán becsületesen tolom a vitaminokat (zöldségek, gyümölcsök, gyakorlatilag csak narancslevet iszok) és általában rendesen fel is öltözök, de persze nem telhet el úgy ősz, hogy ne fáznék meg. Túl jó lenne.

Van egy hetem meggyógyulni, mert jövő vasárnap már próba.


You can’t. What i’ve been trying to do is to get Analytics working properly through all valerauko.net subdomains, all subdomains separated and an aggregate profile. Not easy.

Earlier i was doing this by making totally separate profiles for the blog and the rest and then including them in the right places, but Analytics just couldn’t handle folders and subdomains correctly.

Now i tried to make one profile with a bunch of sub-profiles, a couple of filters and subdomain limiting in the include code, but this doesn’t seem to work that well either. The most apparent sign of this is not that blog posts show up in a way they shouldn’t, but even my own pageloads on my home server where i was testing the stuff before uploading (which is, for your information, a totally separate host with a name that doesn’t even resemble valerauko.net, not to mention its folder structure is slightly different) showed up mysteriously, even though the cookies should’ve been limited to valerauko.net.

So i decided to just stay put for a few days until it gathers enough data to actually analyze and then i’ll see what the problem is.


A blog ugyan még várat magára, de ma befejeztem a [vale-subs] kódját, úgyhogy már elvileg tényleg minden működik rajta, aminek kell.

Ennek örömére fordítottam is ma, Digimont, de a 16. rész nyerse sérült, úgyhogy megint a kínai feliratos változatból kell dolgoznom. Még jó hogy letöltöttem a két és fél gigás .ts-t, öjőbódottá.

De este ha már úgyis rajta voltam a témán, megcsináltam egy naprakészebb feliratot a valerauko.net nyitólapjára. A régi már nagyon nem volt naprakész, hiszen a flickremet idejét nem tudom, mikor frissítettem utoljára, és már két éve csak saját szakállamra webfejlesztek – bár tegnap óta már szakállam sincs (se bajszom)… (Egyébként az új nyitólapon a betűtípus ~loosy tramyad-ja.)

Holnap tervezek fordítani, természetesen, ebben lesz Xros Wars (az [ODDATS]-nak), Shiki ([WoF]) és még valami (nem tudom mi) saját is.


Today when i got back from school an email was waiting for me from Youtube, stating that the little more then one minute long hungarian subbed scene from Star Driver i uploaded the other day is an infringement to Sony Music’s copyrights. I seriously wonder in what way.

Right, i’m no lawyer here, so i have no problems accepting that my upload of that video was a copyright infringement. Nevertheless i find it crazy that in one day all Star Driver fan videos were wiped from Youtube. First of all, it’s pointless. Even if they remove it from there, there are countless other sites that the great Sony won’t think of to check for their so protected content.

Do these people realise at all what insane potential the internet has for their media? Do they seriously think that without these “copyright infringing materials” anyone would ever hear about their anime outside Japan? Oh come on. The people who want to watch such videos on Youtube are the ones who will watch the series once it’s on tv and buy dvds and other merchandise, watch the related movies-ovas-whatever and spend the big money.