I must admit that when it comes to Kyara, I’m as biased as biased one can get. It’s one of my favourite Japanese beers, and one of if not the first craft beer I’ve ever had.
Umenishiki Bock
I just couldn’t stay impartial with the Umenishiki Bock – I just love the label design. The choice of fonts, colors and shapes nails it.
Tisztelt időjárás
Az egy dolog, hogy itt van az ősz, itt van újra, de egyrészt még nincs vége az augusztusnak, másrészt annyira nem mulatságos, hogy egyik napról a másikra konkrétan a felére zuhan a hőmérséklet. Egy pár napja még azon lehetett izgulni, hogy meglesz-e vajon a negyven fok (hivatalosan nem lett meg, pedig fene tudja), ma meg már ugyanúgy figyeltem, hogy a húsz megvan-e (az azért meglett).
Jó Angliás időnk van most, hűvös, felhős, állandóan gyengén (és épp idegesítően) szitáló esővel. Csak azt remélem, hogy a hétvégére azért kitisztul az idő, mert az eső igazán nem illene a terveimhez.
US in the arab world
Nowadays when I’m reading online, it’s either Quartz, Bloomberg, The New Yorker and/or twitter. Just earlier today I was browsing through the news on Quartz when something interesting caught my eye.
Fujizakura Heights Rauch
This is the first time I tried a Rauch beer. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, as it didn’t occur to me to look up what Rauch meant in German (and I already forgot): smoke.
Distant Satellites
One certain song is the reason I care about Anathema at all: Pulled Under from their album A Natural Disaster. In general the band’s music isn’t something I could listen to for extended periods. It’s what I call “sad music” (for lack of a better term) – it’s great for evenings spent thinking about life, the universe and everything (and I can totally imagine it as the OST of some drama movie).
AL/MI +1
I’m done, it’s official. Just now Kitakami sunk the E6 boss BB Hime with a mighty cutin, thus finishing the event for me.
Baird Beer Shuzenji Heritage Helles
I encountered Baird Beer first at Banji Kaichou. Despite the name, it’s a Japanese brewery. I picked Shuzenji Heritage Helles because the name suggested it’s gonna be a light German beer, which most likely means lager, which most probably means I’m gonna like it.
The Mountain
At first I had no idea what was I supposed to think about Haken’s The Mountain. It was mostly slow, just way too slow even for a progressive rock album. Then I realized where the trick was: just consider it avant-garde.
Duvel Tripel Hop 2013 (Sorachi Ace)
I picked Duvel Tripel Hop because of the “triple hop”. My logic was that if hops are for bitterness, then more hops are even better. My expectations were pretty high.
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