The past few days the blog’s been bombarded by really weird spam. Weird in that I honestly can’t figure out what’s the point. Normally spam links to some shady webshop, be that link in the comment body or hidden in the author’s link.
The book deal
For a few days now I’ve been seeing The Giver all over social media. I didn’t really care about it, because until I gave in just now and clicked a link to an article about it, I didn’t realize that I knew the work.
Japanese sci-fi exhibition
This exhibit was recommended on facebook by a colleague of mine, and since I do like sci-fi, I decided to give it a try. The museum was much closer than I expected, near the Keio line station of Roka-koen.
Iwate Akakura
Akakura is the second of the Iwate Kura beer lineup that I got my hands on (the first was Kinkura). As the “red” in its name suggests, it’s a red ale.
Sugiyama Youji üveges
A közeli minigalériában múlt hétig volt egy üveges kiállítása. Főleg kristályüveg, mindenféle színekben és formákban.
Syd Arthur – Sound Mirror
After the letdown that IQ was, I didn’t have high expectations for Syd Arthur. And then Sound Mirror blew me away with the first notes and it didn’t get any worse later on.
Today I got leave for the morning to go to Comiket (that’s right). I’ll write about it more in detail later, but there was one thing that totally caught me off guard.
I was already on the way outside when I spotted someone waving a huge, and visibly old Japanese flag. Considering how rare it is to see such a thing, I listened to them talking about what it was and posted a photo on Twitter. Then hell broke loose.
Oh! La! Ho! Bossa Nova Summer IPA
Karuizawa beer has a fame that it’s gotta live up to. My expectations were high for this IPA, and it was indeed quite a ride.
Unazuki Torokko
I’ve only had alt beer once before opening this can of Unazuki Torokko, back at Banji Kaicho. Must say that Torokko is a whole different world. I’d hesitate to even put it the same category as Shonan Beer’s alt, they are so different.
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