My Japanese vocabulary is painfully lacking when it comes to vulgarities. It’s true that in everyday life, Japanese swear very little, and even most of what would be considered swearing if translated to English is considered just barely worse than normal.
Almost Chinese
The other day I had dinner out with some colleagues, and I just picked the offer of the day, which turned out to be sweet and sour pork. I liked it so much that I decided that once I run out of chicken (which happened yesterday), I’ll try making some myself (sweet and sour pork, not chicken). Managed to squeeze it today in my lunch break (I didn’t cook it in the morning, because for one, I’m a lazy bastard who always wakes up way too late, and two, I wanted it fresh for the first time, not after cooling in my kitchen how hours).
Őszintén megmondom, néha nem értem az egyik munkatársamat. Nem tudom eldönteni, hogy egyszerűen csak buta-e, vagy… van egyáltalán más választás?
Responsible democracy
If you keep forcing people to make decisions they can’t possibly make reasonably, don’t expect any reasonable results either. This occurred to me while reading an article on The Atlantic about fixing intersex babies with surgeries. Parents are asked (or even urged) to decide whether or not to do the surgery, even though even the doctors don’t have an exact knowledge of what consequences it may have. Then how can anyone expect laymen parents to make that decision responsibly?
Is it worth doing the weekly quests or not? For those that are doable in 2-3, the answer was obviously yes, since just sortieing 2-3 is worth it (even using 3 subs). The rest, however…
Nagyon nem szeretem ezt az időszakát az évnek. Az egy dolog, hogy június közepétől teljesen véletlenszerűen akkor szakad le az ég, amikor csak akar (reggel tíz, tűző napsütés – dél, lámpát kell gyújtani és szakad, mintha dézsából öntenék), de most meg már ehhez hozzácsapódnak a nyári hagyományos tájfunok is.
Stone gaze
One of my bosses at the studio gives me pretty good advice quite often, sometimes telling me stuff I haven’t even noticed before. One such thing is that Japanese can’t hold my gaze and I can assure a superior position in arguments this way, because of the power they feel in my stare due to my different facial structure. I was really fascinated by this idea and decided to try it in practice.
Nem a külföldről, neten vásárolt cuccokra gondolok kivételesen, hanem blogbejegyzésekre. Amióta összeomlott a régi motorom valamiért (és nem volt lelkesedésem megírni egy újat saját kezűleg), a WordPress fut alatta. Azt gondolom magyarázni sem kell, hogy elég sokat kell importálgatni.
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