Second day

There are a bunch of things I’ve come to realize today.

First, that I’ll need to have three meals a day for at least this first month with the trainings if I want to keep up with this lifestyle without breaking my body (especially my stomach). How I could achieve this is the matter of consideration at this point.

Első nap

A mai nappal elkezdődött “új életem” és immár a lelkem a vállalatot illeti meg. Mondjuk egyelőre inkább megtartom magamnak, és majd ha elkezd csurogni a zseton a számlámra, jöhet az átadás. Mehet.



Days before the first

So since my parents left I’ve been so busy as if I was already working at least. Every day I’d start out in the morning (my flat in Hikone no longer had curtains so I’d wake with the sun – nor a bed, by the way, so I was using a sleeping bag) and walk around all day long checking out stuff one after another on my list of twenty-something items, ranging from cancelling my internet subscription to getting a “hello present” for my new landlord.


Pont az imént szóltam megint valami nagyon nem szépet kis hazánkról, és mivel ez mostanában elég gyakran előfordul, végeztem egy kis önvizsgálatot, nem vagyok-e hazaáruló (stb).

Weird bugs

There are a few weird bugs in my system that I can’t figure out how to fix. I have an Ubuntu (always updated) and Windows 7 dual boot. One of the bugs is that when I reboot from one system to the other, the system time is totally messed up. When I reboot from Ubuntu to Windows, on Windows I get a system time 8 or so hours behind my timezone (I suppose it displays UTC but I didn’t check), and when I return to Ubuntu, I see the other way around: the system time is 8 or so hours ahead of what it should be. The problem is, I have no idea which system is bugged.

Edit: this can be solved by setting the UTC option in /etc/default/rcS to “no”.


Ha az emlékezetem nem csal, akkor a mi osztályunk még úgy indult általánosban, hogy “művészeti” tagozat (a másik volt a zenei). Nem tudom, hogy mennyire különbözött a tananyagunk a nem-művész iskoláktól, de arra emlékszem, hogy általánosban a kézimunka minden formája megvolt a szövéstől az agyagozásig.

Ettől mondjuk köztem és a művész fogalma között úgy annyi volt a közös, hogy a tánctanárunk (igen, volt néptánc óránk is) művészúrnak hívott (hinnye de rühelltem azt az embert).

My problem with education

My problem with education is that they don’t teach kids what they need to know. They teach in depth about specific stuff – for some reason stuff that you will never ever need in your life.

Will you ever need to know how to calculate the derivate of a function? Unlikely, unless you’re an engineer or economist. Will you ever need to know which year some king signed some tax decree? Never, unless you want to be a historian. Will you ever need to understand the chemical process how mitochondria in cells convert energy? Not unless you’re a med major.

Muster the force

My highest level ship is at this point Kitakami at level 97 (20-something thousand xp to go to 98), closely followed by I-168 and Ooi, both also at 97. As for torpedo cruisers, there isn’t really a race: even number three, Kiso is in the latter stages of level 96 at this point.

The field of subs is more spread out, Imuya having a two-level lead ahead of I-19, currently at 95, the rest following in the mid-80’s with the latecomer I-8 quickly catching up. She’s currently 66.



