Tag: english

Punks at 大津 B♭ live house

Friday afternoon there was a really nice punk rock party at the B♭ (B-flat) live house in Otsu, just about an hour by train from here. It was organised by Spike (スパイク), a local (?) punk band. Because i had an exam in the afternoon i was roughly half an hour late compared to the official start time, but actually i just arrived a few minutes before the first band would start to play.

The problem is, that except for Saboten and Spike, i had no idea who are playing at the moment. Apparently mostly everyone in the crowd knew all of them, so they didn’t see the need to introduce themselves—i only recognised Saboten because in an mc the (ex-)bassist-vocalist (he apparently has problems with his wrist so he stopped playing the bass) referred to themselves by name, and Spike because every other band said Spike’d be the last, and they were.

Most of the bands played fast and energetic punk rock. There were eight bands altogether, Saboten, Garlic boys, Shachi, Tac, Spike, the all-(cute-)girls Kurikinton (くりキントン), Lagoazul and Highmount 40. From six pm, they played straight till eleven, so by the end i was pretty tired, but it was really fun. (Also i’ve seen ads that Maximum the Hormone will be playing there in august, naturally in the few days when i’ll be at Okinawa. Just my luck.)

The weekend

Saturday i was certainly doing something, i just can’t really recall what. I had to be doing something. Oh yeah, i was trying to study, but then i realised that i lost my notes. All of them. I possibly left it in the desk at the friday japanese exam. The problem is, i couldn’t find it anywhere where usually lost stuff pop up (various offices etc), so for today’s exams i had to learn from the book and from other’s notes. Managed.

Anyway, saturday evening suddenly the indian friend from Nagoya popped up just like that. After doing the remaining english homework due that evening in a rush, we went for dinner and then to karaoke till morning. After just a few (1) hours of sleep, i picked up my pieces and set off again. I was meeting with a few other hungarians from the Kansai region, and the six of us first went to a buddhist temple in hopes of jumping into the lake as a part of a ceremony. But due to an accident last year, only monks are allowed to jump now, so we just watched the immensely interesting ceremony and then the monks jumping/falling into the lake.

After that we went to the beach, had fun… then on the way back home got lost, but hitchhiked back to the nearest station. After that i came home, ran off to watch the fireworks, then ended up drinking with club friends and dorm people till late. No need to say how overhung i was on monday…

Apple quality

Let me say this first: i’m not an Apple fanboy (though i do enjoy occasionally eating one, i especially like the light sourness of green apple) and i have an iPod because that was the best choice among mp3 players, but no other Apple products. Nor have i used any computers of their brand, not more than a few clicks.

I was just wondering what’s the big deal about the grand Apple quality. I somehow can’t see it. I bought my laptop used, and it was already old then, and yet i have absolutely no hardware problems, no visible dead pixels on the screen, no motherboard failures, nothing. It works, though it’s a five year old model now, so it’s slow like hell.

Starbucks Oceanside Blend

Starbucks Oceanside blend is a fresh coffee, but much bolder than Tanzania. The ground beans have a very faint smell of something sweet, maybe cocoa, which also gives the ready brew a fuller, almost creamy nice steam.

And it tastes good. The Oceanside blend is labelled to be bold, which is still light and refreshing for me, but indeed is much bolder than Tanzania. Once i had tasted all the coffees Starbucks offers, Oceanside blend will be one of my first choices (along Italian blend and Verona) to have a go with again. It tastes sweet and full like chocolate, and at the same time roasted like popcorns and stingy fresh as if it met a slice of lemon somewhere. Not to mention its label looks nice, a good design.

You should definitely give it a try.

Emo? Not really…

Now in the evening i’m tired, and just as a baby cries and stuff when he’s sleepy, so i get very easy to get pissed off. And i’ve been listening to Nirvana all afternoon because my files were mistagged and i’ve to get back the play count on last.fm. What i concluded is really simple: emos, you’re doing it wrong.

So many of emos claim that their way of thinking is originated from Kurt Cobain and the grungy lyrics of Nirvana. It’s not. Emo kids were screwed up way before they first heard and could appreciate the greatness of Nirvana. They were mentally damaged by the constant flow of those hideous fantastic sad love songs from the radios in the ’90’s (and any other time as well, but seems Chernobil had its effects worldwide). I heard it too, but i rather had fun listening to kid tapes by the Smurfs.

Kurt Cobain and his pals in Nirvana wrote great songs. The Nevermind album only, not counting all of their other songs (even though i’d feel bad if i didn’t mention Lake of Fire in a post related to Nirvana) is worth more than the whole dozen-disc discographies of other artists. The songs might be depressing for some, not for me though, but still, cutting yourself and looking gay is not the way to express your dissatisfaction and/or sadness. When Kurt Cobain went sad panda, he wrote In Utero, but when that didn’t work, he just put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. (Disclaimer: i didn’t check what kind of weapon it was or where he was shot, nor do i consider the possibility of Courtney Love or anyone killing him now.) I do suggest that instead of showing off with your scars on your wrists try following that example. (Disclaimer: i do not encourage suicide or suicide attempts or damaging oneself, also any similarity between this post and reality is purely coincidental.)


Plans are, i’m going to Okinawa (main island) for a week or so in the end of august (0825~0901). If anyone wants to tag along, hurry up because the plane tickets are selling out faster than StarCraft 2 (which i’ll be getting in a matter of days, because due to the exams i couldn’t play for a week now anyway).

Also, just a few days after that, i’m planning to go China, mostly Shanghai. I don’t know if i’ll be able to go to Beijing as well, i hope so. It’ll be decided in a few days anyway… Again, i’m looking for people who want to come along, naturally any chinese language knowledge would be greatly appreciated as i speak totally and absolutely no chinese, though i might be able to figure out the very rough meaning of the half of a written text.

These are my summer plans, for most of it. Maybe also Tokyo for one or two days, so i could buy myself some cheap cheese and meet “old friends”. Also there will be a club trip to somewhere in late september and i’ll be going home for christmas, and also to the school ski trip sometime in february, but that’s still far, far away.

No effect

I realized that tho for a while the Mintia Dry Hard mzs/x senpai suggested worked as expected, by now i pretty much got used to caffeine. That means that if i have one of that candy (?) in hopes of waking my brain up, it has no effect, but when it finally wears out, i fall back down and the sleepiness gets even worse. So i decided to restrict myself to coffee, although coffee hasn’t been able to keep me awake for about a year now, maybe some hidden placebo effect will.

I’ll need it. Six exams in the coming eight days, one of which is a core subject and beside that three more will probably be crazy difficult if not impossible to score well. I’m looking forward to getting over with them.

Community software my ass.

One of the “great advantages” of linux is its supposed community support and that it’s developed by the users and anyone can take part and… Okay, stop there. You can take part in development if you are a crazy programmer and are able to find all the newsgroups and mailing lists and bug report places where some of the actual development is going on. Community support is probably there, just i don’t seem to be able to find it.

I don’t know if linux development is still separated from the web and takes place in other parts of the internet, but whatever the case, usual searches, however i try to refine my queries, don’t really bring the results i look for. And if finally i get bored with googling for hours just to find something that seems at least related to the problem i’m having, but yet provides no help, and i go to ubuntuforums.com and post my supposedly idiotic etc questions, no one gives a fuck to respond. Community support is a really nice concept, but if the whole community is only asking questions and no answers, it’s no point. Also, on that very forum website, apparently necroposting (posting in old topics) is not possible. So even if i found a workaround around a problem googling for which led me to that topic, i can’t post any helpful response there. How clever. On anime fan forums where they are boasting with pride about the number of topics and stuff, banning necroposting is acceptable even if i don’t agree with it. But seriously, on a support forum?

Also it’s funny that i’m every now and then facing problems that looking at forum posts were problems five years ago as well. Here you go, fantastic development of linux! Not able to fix reported bugs in five years? And while it’s really nice if the system natively recognizes the media control buttons of my laptop and i can control my mail led just by echoing 1 into /sys/class/leds/asus ::mail/brightness, not being able to use my wireless, my infrared and my webcam’s permanently flipped upside down, and i have no way to fix it, now that ruins the picture.

I need help

My scholarship arrived yesterday, so now i started planning. I want to build myself a desktop computer, that won’t get terribly old until i graduate, and will be able to run StarCraft 2 on max quality. Also, it would be nice if most of its parts (especially wireless, infrared and audio) would be fully usable with linux. I have a total budget of about 1000 usd for the purpose (with everything included). What i want is a powerful machine in a case as small as possible, and a over-20″ monitor. Of course as high-end as possible out of that money.

Digimon Xros Wars ep 03 eng sub by OD-WPP

This one was messy. We realised that something was amiss when both the ts raw and the subtitle script from that ended in the middle of the episode. Meaning, roughly half of the raw was missing. Nevertheless, i did my translation of that part, then it was just waiting, hoping there was someone else recording too so that there will be a raw, any raw available that we could use. Luckily, there was.

So now both torrent and download of the english fansub of Digimon Xros Wars episode 03 is available at OnlineDigimon. Check it out, it’s worth it. There’s a nice bunch of fighting, my favourite Dorulumon shows up again and MadLeomon makes his return as well. So do the other humans, although i bet Taiki and the others expected some other kind of greeting from the other Generals. Watch it already!