
会社の上司から前日に話を聞いてラインアップ見たら、オープニングがまさかのthe telephones!大学の軽音部で何度も先輩たちの演奏で見て以後も愛聴しているバンドだったが、なかなかライブで見る機会は合わなかったのでなんだかんだお初ライブでみた。当たり前だけど最高だった。
ただイベント自体は最悪な体験だった。チケット受取もそしてどこの会場も混みすぎて快適と全く言えなかった。楽しみにしてたElephant Gymは満員で入場規制がかかって結局見れずじまい。そのあとthe band apartと例のじょしらくMADで知って好きになったRegaを見て帰った。トリのART-SCHOOLも見るか悩んだけど、行列に並ぶのもういい加減疲れたので諦めた。
I was looking at Reol’s tour dates when I found a surprising entry: the Arabaki Rock Festival, end of April. It was surprising because fests like that are usually in the middle of summer (see Summer Sonic or Rock in Japan) and this one, well, definitely isn’t. At first I wasn’t all that interested, since it’s held near Sendai which is quite a distance from Tokyo to go for a Reol show, but then I looked at the lineup and changed my mind.
Knotfest is back! I’ve been there both times it was organized in Japan (though I only have a blog post from the 2016 event). I had to look through my photo archives to confirm I was there in 2014 too, and I was surprised to “learn” that apparently I’d seen Korn live back then… This year the plan was different.
I’ve been to Loud Park twice before, in 2012 (got a shirt but no blogpost) and 2016, so I was pretty happy to hear it was coming back after years of covid-forced absence. The lineup caught my eye because of Pantera—I thought they’d never tour again since the Abbott brothers died, so this was a chance I wasn’t willing to let go (even though I’m not that much of a Pantera fan).
Once again Summer Sonic came up with a lineup that I couldn’t resist. Just look at that: Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Maximum the Hormone, Rancid, Man with a Mission, Babymetal and even Red Hot Chili Peppers? In one day? It was nothing short of intense.
To sum up Download’s experiment with expanding to Japan: good artists, meh sound. The lineup was truly, truly outrageous: Amaranthe, Man with a Mission, Halestorm, Arch Enemy – just to name those who brought me to Makuhari. The headliner Judas Priest are legends (if aged) and some may consider Slayer music too (I have trouble in that regard).
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