Recently I’ve had the pleasure of playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and in the later half of the game there’s a pretty annoying (tricky?) bit. Of course I’m talking about Lady Jannath’s estate. Spoilers follow.

Recently I’ve had the pleasure of playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and in the later half of the game there’s a pretty annoying (tricky?) bit. Of course I’m talking about Lady Jannath’s estate. Spoilers follow.
OpenTTD is the open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It’s an amazingly addictive time sink that you absolutely should not start playing unless you’re ready to come to half a day later realizing it’s 5am and you haven’t gotten any sleep yet. It’s fun just playing around too, but things get real when you set a goal like “connect every primary industry.” I haven’t played against AI or people, but I’m not that interested in that either just yet. This is actually my second time playing—I spent insane amounts of time on the game during university (too).
I had fond memories of Homeworld 2 from my childhood. Mostly along the lines of “it was pretty,” but fond nonetheless. (I must’ve not played the campaign then…) The remastered edition lived up to my expectations regarding the visuals. The various colorful areas of space with occasional clouds of dust and massive runs of massive things, with my massive (though tiny in comparison) Mothership cruising comfortably are a rich source of pretty screenshots.
Today the Arcarum summons got their fifth release and the associated characters (sages?) have been unlocked as well. They’ve finally raised the weekly/total point limits too, so now I’m less likely to bump into that wall when running the rounds.
Apparently Jinx was added to League three years ago on my birthday! I got her on my crew right away – something that (at the point) hadn’t happened since Vi and until Ekko.
Her amazing video played a big role in this too. It got me interested in the music too, which is how I found the band Djerv (whose vocalist sings Get Jinxed) and similar female-fronted bands, mostly psychobilly.
And if that wasn’t enough to be grateful for, Jinx proceeded to become my main AD (swiftly replacing Tristana) and carried me all the way to silver 2 – and I haven’t been (or cared to try to be) any higher since.
Her Japanese voice is crazy good too, with all the grinning insanity one could fit in one character. Damn now I want to play League again.
Once upon a time, back in the end of May, there was a KanColle event, one that did more damage than good. In the first place, I’m nowhere near as active a player as I used to be, only doing expeds and daily PVPs, and sortie maybe once in a blue moon when I’m in the mood. The reason is that I got bored with all the random. All the sweat and tears that go into levelling a bote to decent power levels feel meaningless when the next moment the same bote gets oneshot by some ridiculous peon enemy that just happened to crit because RNG.
Guess it’s no surprise that the event was rather a distanced grind on my side than an operation with emotional investment (like some before have been). Of course it’s hard to justify any of my complaints when the entirety of KC’s gameplay revolves around plain old luck, so I’ll just complain about the new air support function.
I’ve always wondered why would games use the stamina limit at all. No, not really. The reason is obvious: let users play some, then make them pay if they want to play more. That makes perfect sense – it’s just that in a world where there are so many ways to waste your time for free, having to pay for it seems like a bit of a stretch to me. If I look at games I got hooked on to and then stopped playing for good, most of them had the stamina limit.
What it means to play a tank is quite apparently not all so self-evident to certain players. (Obviously I’m talking about the wonderful bronzies I’m stuck with for the time being.) A tank is not defined by its item set. You can have all the armor in the world, but if you don’t act like a tank you’ll be just an useless XP hog on your team.
It’s actually quite similar to the job of the support. You must make sure that the enemy team doesn’t kill your carries. Roughly put, the support’s job is that the enemy team can’t kill the carries, while the tank’s job is that they won’t.
Last Friday KanColle was down for maintenance, and I was bored as hell (since the project at work is in the very last stages, there’s hardly anything left to do), I tried out ShiroPro. Formally it’s called 御城プロジェクト (oshiro project, castle project), although it started out as ShiroColle. I guess it’s better to set the game apart from KC, though it’s still compared to it all the time. After all it’s a “collecting” game again, just instead of WW2 warships, this time it’s Japanese castles.
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