Tag: 百名山


I’ve been thinking about climbing Tanzawa for a long time. It’s close to Tokyo and access is good. At the same time, depending on the route it can be exciting and long as well. The way I chose, starting from the Yabitsu pass, then going down towards Miyagase was both.


One of the biggest challenges to Hotaka, at 3190m Japan’s third tallest mountain, is that the standard route (which is the only one really while there is snow) features a very long, almost 15km approach walk from Kamikochi along the Azusa river.


I went to climb Mt Aizu-koma, one of the 100 famous mountains of Japan, and one of the few that are relatively easily accessible from Tokyo but still have snow in June. And snow it had. The goal of the climb was to break in the double boots I got for Elbrus. I also added my training 10kg weight to my backpack, making it total near 20kg (a bit too much).


Nem a londoni múzeum, hanem a japán hegy. A Tateyamáról azt kell tudni, hogy a környéke (ami Nagano és Toyama határán van) a világ egyik leghavasabb helye. Még így júniusban is több méteres hófalak között mennek a buszok Toyama felé le a hegyről. A rengeteg hónak köszönhető, hogy itt van japán egyetlen gleccsere. Másik érdekesség a környéken a Kurobe gát, a legmagasabb Japánban.

Akadake visszavágó

Egy pár hete megpróbáltam már egyszer megmászni a Yatsugatake legmagasabb csúcsát, ám akkor a hágóvas hiánya és az átfagyott bakancs kifogott rajtam. De én nehezen viselem a vereséget, úgyhogy pár nappal később vettem egy eggyel nehezebb (és melegebb és keményebb) bakancsot, amire már hágóvasat is lehet kapcsolni. (Ő aztán az Akagin került tesztelésre.)



Akadake loser

Akadake (often romanized as Mt Aka) is part of Yatsugatake, it’s highest peak actually. The range is known for being “active” all year round. Other mountains get inaccessible and deserted as winter starts: buses stop running, mountain huts close until spring and so on.

The Yatsugatake range has lots of ski resorts and it’s a friendly place for people like me who want to try climbing in snow. I’ve had a weekend’s fun in Tateshina already (which is the northern neighbor of Yatsugatake actually), so now I decided to jump into the deep water (snow) and go for Mt Aka. I didn’t expect the difficulty I faced.

On Mount Buddha

I was looking for a mountain to climb. I wanted something easy for a change, but still preferably one of the 100 famous mountains of Japan. In the end I went with Mt Daibosatsu, which is relatively close, easy to access (that is when the buses run) and isn’t difficult.



