What happened in the year past? 2008 was not eventless, though half not as stuffed as i’d loved it to be. My expectations are usually too high, but i’m too lazy to do anything to accomplish anything not of the highest value. What happened? I started the year in a party with school people, i enjoyed it somewhat, arrived home at dawn and ate a dish of lentil for lunch (something i really missed this year) (and why does english lack essential words, especially in culinary fields?), then the same week saw the birthday of my best friend, and with that a party. Still in january i ended up again in love with Sors (that was probably fate, as her name suggests, as it means destiny or fate in hungarian), in the spring we went to Paris together, and i won’t forget that (i hope). Then came the high school leaving stuff with all the exams and great (or just huge) parties, the summer with loads of fun, festivals (EFOTT and Sziget), spending a week by the Balaton (before another week with my family) and in Nyírjes with friends, then the university entrance with the freshmen’s camp and the dorm prelims, then the boring university life as a student of computer technology, though i’ve been to a few gigs (three in september in the ZP, another Kaukázus later and also a Sonata Arctica) and we tested a few gyros places with other bloggers, but in the autumn i became single again, started to get really fed up with the uni (even though i’ve found new friends, eg Ai and there were a few great events), so the winter break came at the best possible time. Christmas passed quietly and peacefully, and since then the silence is even more intense, the only events being the local rock Christmas “fest” and the new year’s party. Now here i am studying for the coming two exams, and hoping to survive. I wonder if in three months’ time i’ll be in japan or not. That’ll give a huge kick to the path of my life, whatever the results will be.
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