Search Results for "loud park"

Loud Park 2016

This year’s Loud Park came with a lineup that I just couldn’t ignore.

Loud Park 2016

Hearing Loss Park 2023

I’ve been to Loud Park twice before, in 2012 (got a shirt but no blogpost) and 2016, so I was pretty happy to hear it was coming back after years of covid-forced absence. The lineup caught my eye because of Pantera—I thought they’d never tour again since the Abbott brothers died, so this was a chance I wasn’t willing to let go (even though I’m not that much of a Pantera fan).

Rock in Japan 2017

Nyári fesztiválon még egyetemista koromban jártam utoljára – azt hiszem, a 2011-es Summer Sonicon (az se volt semmi felhozatal, az biztos). Persze nem-nyári fesztiválokra mentem azóta is. Írni nem feltétlenül írtam mindről, de az utóbbi pár évben minden Loud Parkon ott voltam, és akkor a két Knotfestről és Ozzfestről ne is beszéljünk.

Idén viszont, hogy már állást is váltottam, végre tényleg hosszúak a hosszú hétvégéim, végre bekerült a “szabadság” a szótáramba, és még a lelki erő is megvan. Így “hirtelen” (nem volt hirtelen) elhatározásból egy jó barátommal elmentünk a Rock in Japan első felére augusztus elején.


I’ve been thinking about climbing Tanzawa for a long time. It’s close to Tokyo and access is good. At the same time, depending on the route it can be exciting and long as well. The way I chose, starting from the Yabitsu pass, then going down towards Miyagase was both.

Okinawa, day five

After i woke up at Yoshika, i again headed off for the Chiraumi park. The day before i didn’t see any of the water shows or the aquarium, but this day too my first priority was to make it to the beach. I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible in that day, because i had no way to be sure that i’ll have any more good weather. The view was spectacular…

Okinawa, here i come

… and two hours later i did close my door behind me and left for Okinawa, without forgetting anything–or if i did forget something, i forgot forgetting it. I parked my bicycle in front of the post office nearest to the station, where i was sure it wouldn’t be towed away, bought the usual entry ticket for the train, and got on the first express train towards Himeji (that’s where pretty much all the express trains are going from here in the direction of the Kansai cities).